More than 70% of people will receive pension through the bank.

Bình Quý |

Khanh Hoa - By the end of 2024, more than 70% of recipients receive retirement pension, social insurance allowance monthly by non-cash payment method.

Khanh Hoa Province is currently implementing non-cash payment solutions for pension and social insurance benefits disbursement on a national database of citizens.

The implementation of non-cash payment for pensions and social insurance benefits is a correct policy of the Government, which brings many advantages and conveniences to citizens. Accordingly, beneficiaries save time and effort in traveling when they do not have to gather to receive cash and sign payment lists at payment points.

According to the roadmap set by Khanh Hoa Province, the percentage of people receiving pensions and social insurance benefits monthly through non-cash payment methods will reach 70% or more by December 2024.

To complete this plan on schedule, Khanh Hoa Province directs relevant agencies to disseminate, propagate, mobilize, encourage, and guide people currently receiving pensions and social insurance benefits in cash to switch to non-cash payment methods; review and verify beneficiaries, the status of pension and social insurance benefit recipients, and the status of recipients' bank accounts (ATMs) to ensure strict management; pay benefits to the correct recipients, in accordance with the regulations; and prevent abuse and profiteering from the social insurance fund.

In addition, commercial banks will also cooperate with the competent authorities of Khanh Hoa Province in accessing, advising, and mobilizing pension and social insurance benefit recipients to switch to non-cash payment methods in accordance with the Government's policy, the Prime Minister's policy, the Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee's policy, and the Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee's policy.

Bình Quý

Cách tính lương hưu hằng tháng theo quy định mới

Nam Dương |

Bạn đọc có email hỏi: Cách tính lương hưu hằng tháng theo quy định mới như thế nào?

Hơn 25.378 tỉ đồng chi trả lương hưu, trợ cấp BHXH

Hà Anh |

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Việt Bắc |

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Ấm tình người nơi rốn lũ

Khánh Linh |

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