Expanding more job opportunities for workers in Dak Lak


Besides some traditional markets, the authorities of Dak Lak province have been continuing to expand job opportunities for local workers to work for a limited time in a number of countries with stable salaries. intend...

Many job opportunities

In early August 2024, Dak Lak Employment Service Center coordinated with a business located in Hanoi to organize interviews and test the skills of workers working for a limited time in the Algerian market. This time, Dak Lak province has 9 workers wishing to go to the Algerian market to work in the construction industry for a limited time.

According to the plan, workers must go to the company in Hanoi for interviews and skills testing. However, traveling from Dak Lak to Hanoi will cost money for workers.

In order to create favorable conditions for workers and reduce travel costs, the above company has closely coordinated with the Dak Lak Employment Service Center to directly interview and test skills locally.

Through interviews and skill tests, 9 workers met the requirements. Among them, there are 6 workers from Ea Sup district, 2 workers from Cu Kuin district and 1 worker from Ho Chi Minh City.

Leader of Dak Lak Provincial Employment Service Center - said: "In the past, workers in the area often went to Japan, Taiwan (China), Korea... to work. Up to now, people have had a new market to choose to export labor with, the salary is quite stable.

In order for the province's workers who want to go to Algeria to work to confidently participate in interviews and skills assessment tests, the unit has supported and equipped them with a number of necessary skills to pass the test. ”.

As one of the labor exporters this time, Mr. Cu Viet Hung (Cu Kuin district, Dak Lak province) carefully prepared to leave for Algeria. Mr. Hung set out with the mindset of wanting to accumulate and save a significant amount of money to take care of his family.

“I have researched very carefully about the paperwork and situation in your country. Even though it's hard and difficult, I think I will have a good salary, enough to cover living expenses, and the rest will be sent back to my family to take care of my children's education" - Mr. Hung said.

Be wary of labor export fraud criminals

According to statistics from the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA) of Dak Lak province, from the beginning of the year until now, the authorities have coordinated with relevant units to send nearly 1,000 workers to work. term abroad, reaching 58.9% of the yearly plan.

In the period 2024 - 2026, Dak Lak province strives to send 7,500 workers to work abroad under contracts. Thereby, contributing to creating jobs for the province's workforce, especially youth, demobilized soldiers, students, graduates of higher education institutions, and educational institutions. career... Workers will have stable jobs, move towards sustainable employment, increase income, and stabilize life.

Ms. Tran Thi Minh Ly - Head of the Department of Labor, Employment and Vocational Education (Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Dak Lak province) - said that with the desire to be recruited to export labor at cheap prices, many workers have Transfer money hoping to receive preferential treatment so that subjects can easily appropriate the money.

When workers transfer money, the subjects provide a photocopy of the receipt and the contract with the company's stamp so that the worker can continue to pay other fees. After receiving enough money, the subjects will try to block the employee's account and phone number.

In the province, in the past, there were a number of businesses that took advantage of the gullibility of people in remote areas and came to advise and introduce labor export at very cheap prices. Many people have been deceived and transferred money to brokers, only to lose their money.

"When needing to work abroad, workers need to contact the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the district-level Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, or the Provincial Employment Service Center for guidance" - Ms. Ly emphasized.


Hé lộ ngành học tiềm năng với cơ hội việc làm rộng mở

Danh Trang |

Công nghệ và Kinh doanh thực phẩm là ngành học nghiên cứu về các công nghệ bảo quản, chế biến, vệ sinh an toàn và kinh doanh thực phẩm.

Bật mí ngành học hot với cơ hội việc làm rộng mở

Trần Hạnh - Hồng Nhung |

Sinh viên tốt nghiệp ngành học Tài chính doanh nghiệp sẽ có rất nhiều cơ hội việc làm và mức lương cũng là con số đáng kỳ vọng.

Hơn 4.000 cơ hội việc làm các ngành nghề cho người lao động

Thành An |

Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu - Tại phiên giao dịch việc làm tổ chức tại Vũng Tàu, 18 đơn vị tham gia có nhu cầu tuyển dụng 4.076 lao động.

Cơ hội việc làm với thạc sĩ Công nghiệp Văn hóa và Sáng tạo

Vân Hoa |

Việc đào tạo nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao để phát triển Công nghiệp văn hóa đang là vấn đề cấp thiết.

Bật mí ngành học tiềm năng, cơ hội việc làm rộng mở

Trần Hạnh |

Ở Việt Nam, Công nghệ sinh học được dự báo sẽ trở thành ngành khát nhân lực trong tương lai, cơ hội việc làm tốt.

Học ngành điểm chuẩn thấp thì cơ hội việc làm như thế nào?

Chân Phúc |

Một số ngành học có mức điểm chuẩn khá thấp, khoảng 15-16 điểm là trúng tuyển khiến học sinh băn khoăn có nên theo học.

Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp qua đời


Cụ bà Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, qua đời ngày 17.9, hưởng thọ 96 tuổi.

Gia hạn xác minh vụ luận án tiến sĩ bị tố đạo văn


HUẾ - Đại học Huế vừa có thông báo liên quan đến vụ việc luận án tiến sĩ của trưởng phòng nghiên cứu khoa học bị tố đạo văn.