Many forest rangers do not receive money from selling carbon credits


The program of payment for greenhouse gas emission reduction (selling carbon credits) in the North Central region is in the pilot phase, so the implementation of payment according to the provisions of Decree 107 in Quang Tri province is facing some difficulties that need to be resolved.

Only pay for community participation in forest protection

In 2023, the Dakrong Nature Reserve Management Board (KBT) received more than 4.3 billion VND from the Quang Tri Provincial Forest Protection and Development Fund for selling carbon credits. Of the amount received, the above unit spent 10% on management costs; more than 3.3 billion VND on support for communities participating in forest management; more than 64 million VND on support for the People's Committees of communes with communities participating in forest management; and more than 533 million VND on silvicultural measures.

Mr. Truong Quang Trung - Director of Dakrong Nature Reserve Management Board - said that the money from selling carbon credits is allocated, helping the unit have a source of funding to support people in the buffer zone communes to create jobs, increase income to stabilize their lives. From there, promote local human resources in forest management and protection through forest protection contracting activities. However, the payment of carbon credit sales is facing many difficulties.

According to the provisions in Appendix I issued with Decree No. 107/2022/ND-CP dated December 28, 2022 of the Government, the money from selling carbon credits will only be paid for forest protection contracts for residential communities. This means that for the forest environmental service area that the conservation area has contracted to individuals, households, groups of households and the area of ​​self-protection units - it is impossible to negotiate and contract forest protection under the carbon credit sales program.

"Thus, many people participating in forest protection in the reserve are not eligible for payment from selling carbon credits, which is a big disadvantage," said Mr. Truong Quang Trung.

Remove to avoid disadvantages, help protect forests better

Dakrong Nature Reserve Management Board performs the task of managing, protecting forests, and conserving biodiversity on an area of ​​37,666.01 hectares. In addition, the reserve is assigned to manage the legendary Ho Chi Minh Trail Landscape Protection Area with a natural area of ​​5,237.4 hectares.

In this unit, many natural forest areas are located in rugged areas with difficult access, where there are few or no communities living. Therefore, these forest areas can only be contracted to households, individuals or self-protection units, and cannot be contracted to communities. The regulation that the contracted subjects are communities does not meet the needs, and does not ensure the effectiveness of protected forest areas, causing difficulties in forest management and protection.

In addition, according to the provisions of Point C, Clause 2, Article 3, Decree No. 107, the implementation costs must ensure the principle of reasonableness and not overlap with other expenditures of the State budget.

This regulation has limited the sharing of benefits according to the purpose of the program. Because a part of the natural forest area under the management of the conservation area has been allocated funding from other State budgets according to current policies through programs and projects. If implemented according to the above regulation, it will be impossible to implement forest protection contracting as well as implement livelihood support policies according to the provisions of Decree 107.

Mr. Phan Van Phuoc - Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Tri province - said that in the period of 2023-2025, Quang Tri province received 50 billion VND from selling carbon credits, and this amount is being allocated to forest owners, in which the Dakrong Nature Reserve Management Board is the unit that benefits the largest amount of money.

“During the payment process, some difficulties have arisen at the units. The units have proposed that the forest protection contracting activities should be expanded to include more subjects, and that the level of livelihood support for the community be increased or that investment sources from programs and projects be combined,” said Mr. Phan Van Phuoc.


Gia Lai quyết tâm giữ rừng để có nguồn thu từ tín chỉ carbon


Tại buổi làm việc với tỉnh Gia Lai mới đây, Bộ trưởng Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn Lê Minh Hoan khẳng định, Gia Lai có diện tích rừng tự nhiên lớn, bảo vệ được màu xanh của rừng sẽ thu được lợi nhuận từ bán tín chỉ carbon.

Điểm "nghẽn" trong việc chi trả tín chỉ carbon ở Quảng Bình


Mặc dù được phân bổ hơn 235 tỉ đồng, nhưng việc chi trả tín chỉ carbonQuảng Bình vẫn đang gặp khó khăn vì quy định.

Bán tín chỉ carbon không phải là mục tiêu cao nhất


Nhiệm vụ của Đề án là xây dựng phương thức để giảm chi phí tốt nhất, tăng lợi nhuận cao nhất cho nông dân, không phải bán tín chỉ carbon.

Sự cần thiết của sàn giao dịch tín chỉ carbon

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Thị trường carbon thế giới đã được khởi động từ năm 1997. Từ đó, trên thế giới xuất hiện loại hàng hóa mới là các chứng chỉ giảm/hấp thụ phát thải khí nhà kính, hình thành nên thị trường carbon hay thị trường tín chỉ carbon.

Trồng lúa để tăng lợi nhuận, không phải bán tín chỉ carbon


Trồng lúa giảm phát thải là giúp giảm chi phí sản xuất, tăng lợi nhuận cho nông dân chứ không phải bán tín chỉ carbon.

Cần cấp bách đào tạo nhân lực cho thị trường tín chỉ carbon


Với mục tiêu phát triển kinh tế xanh, nhu cầu về nguồn nhân lực có chuyên môn cao trong lĩnh vực giảm phát thải carbon đang ngày càng cấp bách.

Nguồn lợi từ việc bán tín chỉ carbon rừng và thảm cỏ biển


2 năm trở lại, tỉnh Quảng Trị đã thực hiện thí điểm, chuyển nhượng kết quả giảm phát thải (bán tín chỉ carbon). Số tiền thu được từ việc bán tín chỉ carbon chưa lớn, nhưng nhiều tiềm năng về rừng, thảm cỏ biển chưa được khai phá, hứa hẹn sẽ thu được nhiều giá trị trong tương lai.

Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Một đối tượng nghi sử dụng ma túy đã cướp ô tô tải gây tai nạn liên hoàn tại khu vực trước cổng Khu Công nghiệp Trà Nóc, quận Bình Thủy, TP Cần Thơ.

Gia Lai determined to preserve forests to generate income from carbon credits


At a recent working session with Gia Lai province, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan affirmed that Gia Lai has a large area of ​​natural forest, and protecting the green color of the forest will gain profits from selling carbon credits .

"Bottleneck" in carbon credit payment in Quang Binh


Despite being allocated more than 235 billion VND, carbon credit payments in Quang Binh are still facing difficulties due to regulations.

Selling carbon credits is not the ultimate goal


The project 's mission is to develop methods to best reduce costs and maximize profits for farmers, not to sell carbon credits .

The need for carbon credit trading platforms

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The world carbon market was launched in 1997. Since then, a new type of commodity has appeared in the world, which is certificates for reducing/absorbing greenhouse gas emissions, forming the carbon market or carbon credit market .

Growing rice for profit, not selling carbon credits


Growing rice to reduce emissions helps reduce production costs and increase profits for farmers, not sell carbon credits .

There is an urgent need to train human resources for the carbon credit market


With the goal of green economic development, the need for highly specialized human resources in the field of carbon emission reduction is increasingly urgent.

Source of income from selling carbon credits from forest and coastal grasslands


2 years ago, Quang Tri Province has been piloting, transferring the results of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (carbon credit trading). The amount of money earned from selling carbon credit is not large, but many potential values of forests, sea grasses have not been explored, promising to earn much value in the future.