Make efforts so that workers have rich, quality shift meals

Minh Tâm - Anh Tú |

In order for workers to have more delicious shift meals and say no to food poisoning, grassroots unions at many companies in Ho Chi Minh City have actively improved the variety and quality of meals .

“Delicious food day” for workers

At noon in August, a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper visited the kitchen of Nidec Vietnam Co., Ltd. (High-Tech Park, Thu Duc City). The kitchen is clean and tidy, the kitchen staff are cooking and dividing dishes into trays to serve workers at lunchtime.

Here, "Delicious Food Days" held every Tuesday and Thursday are always awaited by workers . Compared to the regular meal, this special meal is richer in quality and quantity, with 7 main dishes and desserts of fruit, yogurt or jelly.

"The price has been increased by about 21,000-22,000 VND, higher than usual" - Mr. Luu Kim Hong - Chairman of the Trade Union of Nidec Vietnam Co., Ltd. - said.

The meal menu is announced one week in advance by the Trade Union Executive Committee of Nidec Vietnam Co., Ltd. for workers to know and give comments. Therefore, at mealtime, workers can freely choose their favorite portion. Along with the open space of the dining area, mealtime becomes the best relaxation time for employees working at the company.

At lunch, workers began to eat in groups with their heads on their knees to ensure there were not too many people eating at the same time, causing a long wait in line. One meal serves about 800 workers.

"The lunch of workers and laborers is very diverse, including a piece of tofu stuffed with meat, braised fish, a little salty ram meat, a portion of stir-fried vegetables, raw vegetables and a bowl of soup; rice is eaten freely. After When eating rice, workers can use fruit, yogurt or jelly for dessert" - said Ms. Ngo Thi Phuong Chi - a worker here.

Talking to reporters about taking care of meals for more than 3,000 workers every day, Mr. Luu Kim Hong expressed that workers have to work with high intensity, so right from the establishment of the factory, the company has considered designing space for lunch breaks and mid-shift meals to help them regenerate labor. Therefore, the restaurant was built very spacious and airy.

The kitchen is assigned to the partner unit to be in charge of the company, but the quality of the meals is under the supervision of the grassroots union executive committee.

Always strictly ensure food safety for workers

At around 10:40, hundreds of workers gathered at the cafeteria of Thanh Cong Textile-Garment Investment Trading Joint Stock Company to have lunch.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Yen has worked here for 11 years. She complimented that the meals are delicious and the food portions change every day so she doesn't get bored. According to the collective labor agreement, the company provides mid-shift meals for workers, equivalent to 19,000 VND/meal; When the cost of living increases, food costs are also adjusted accordingly.
“I feel that meals at the company are very good. Every day, union officials go to the cafeteria to get employees' opinions and ask workers if the meal is okay. Food is taken from sources with clear origins, so our workers always feel secure" - Ms. Yen said.

Mr. Truong Quang Dinh - Vice Chairman of the Trade Union, Thanh Cong Textile and Garment Investment Trading Joint Stock Company - said that since its establishment, the company has invested in building a spacious cafeteria and cooking area. , clean, one-way process. Food containers are always arranged neatly and neatly, with cabinets.

Even though a professional, capable, and reputable unit has been hired, the import of input materials, the processing process, and portioning of meals are still closely supervised by the union and medical staff.
“Before preparing food, the medical team always checks the food and meets safety standards before the kitchen staff can start cooking. The company has regulations that periodically inspect the cafeteria every day, week, and month to ensure food safety and good service for workers," Mr. Dinh said.

Minh Tâm - Anh Tú

Bữa ăn ca 43.000 đồng của gần 29.000 công nhân ở Đồng Nai


Đồng Nai - Công ty TNHH Giày Dona Standard tổ chức bữa ăn ca trị giá 43.000 đồng cho gần 29.000 người lao động, đây là bữa cơm công đoàn của công nhân.

Bữa ăn ca 80.000 đồng của hơn 3.000 công nhân ở Đồng Nai


Đồng Nai - Công ty Cổ phần hữu hạn Vedan Việt Nam tổ chức bữa ăn ca 80.000 đồng/suất cho khoảng 3.200 - 3.300 người, đây là bữa cơm công đoàn của công nhân.

Bữa ăn ca 48.500 đồng của 8.000 công nhân ở Đồng Nai

Xuân Mai |

Đồng Nai - Hơn 8.000 công nhân Công ty TNHH Hwaseung Vina (Khu công nghiệp Nhơn Trạch 1) được tổ chức bữa ăn ca trị giá 48.500 đồng/suất.

Đình chỉ 2 chủ tịch xã ở Lào Cai do lơ là phòng chống bão lũ

Bảo Nguyên |

UBND huyện Bát Xát, tỉnh Lào Cai vừa ra quyết định đình chỉ công tác đối Chủ tịch UBND xã Trung Lèng Hồ và Pa Cheo do vi phạm quy định phòng, chống bão lũ.

Ukraina nói về kết quả cuộc tấn công tỉnh Kursk của Nga

Thanh Hà |

Ukraina cho rằng, cuộc tấn công của Ukraina vào khu vực Kursk đã làm chậm bước tiến của Nga trong khi phía Nga cho biết đã giành lại 10 ngôi làng.

"Phông bạt" trên Facebook là căn bệnh và cần thuốc chữa


Nhiều người bị phát hiện chỉnh sửa hình ảnh, làm giả hóa đơn chuyển khoản để “thổi phồng” số tiền và “phông bạt” trên Facebook nhằm đánh bóng tên tuổi.

Xe bán tải bị nước cuốn trôi, 1 phụ nữ tử vong ở Bình Dương


Ngày 14.9, Công an thành phố Dĩ An, tỉnh Bình Dương đã bàn giao thi thể người phụ nữ đi xe bán tải bị nước cuốn, để gia đình lo hậu sự.

Vụ án La "điên": Bắt nguyên phó chủ tịch huyện ở Thái Bình


Ông Đặng Ngọc Oánh - nguyên Phó Chủ tịch UBND huyện Kiến Xương, tỉnh Thái Bình vừa bị khởi tố, bắt tạm giam trong vụ án liên quan doanh nhân La "điên".

Meal allowance of 43,000 VND for nearly 29,000 workers in Dong Nai


Dong Nai - Dona Standard Joint Stock Company organizes shift meal worth 43,000 VND for nearly 29,000 employees, this is a labor union meal for workers.

Meal Shift for 80,000 VND of over 3,000 Workers in Dong Nai


Dong Nai - Vedan Vietnam Joint Stock Company organizes shift meal 80,000 VND per serving for approximately 3,200 - 3,300 people, this is a union meal for workers.

Meal for 48,500 VND of 8,000 workers in Đồng Nai

Xuân Mai |

Dong Nai - More than 8,000 workers of Hwaseung Vina Company Limited (Nhơn Trạch 1 Industrial Park) are organized with shift meal worth 48,500 VND per serving.