Promoting the spirit of continuous innovation and creativity of union officials

Nhóm phóng viên |

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man highly appreciated the spirit of continuous innovation and creativity, with many initiatives and solutions to improve the quality of activities of trade union officials to better take care of material life, workers' spirit.

Efforts to overcome all difficulties of the union officials

Speaking at the 4th "Nguyen Van Linh Award" awarding ceremony; praising the presidents of grassroots trade unions and outstanding national grassroots trade unions for the fifth time took place on the morning of July 28, Politburo member and National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man said, after 95 years of building and development, the Vietnam Trade Union has continuously grown and matured, accompanying the nation, being a reliable and loyal support of the Party, wholeheartedly striving for the rights of the working class, laborers, made an important, direct contribution to the great victory of the Vietnamese revolution.

According to Mr. Tran Thanh Man, in recent times, the Trade Union has had many breakthroughs and innovations in terms of organization, content and operating methods. Trade unions at all levels, especially the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, have been proactive, creative, proposed and organized many practical activities to take care of the lives of union members and workers.

Along with the growth of the Trade Union, the working class was supplemented in quantity and improved in quality. Trade unions at all levels have taken care of training and introducing tens of thousands of outstanding workers, officials, and laborers for the Party and State to consider, train, appoint, and promote to leadership positions at government committees. , fronts, unions at all levels. It can be affirmed that the solidarity, unity of innovation, and pioneering in production labor of the trade union has made an important contribution to the entire Party, the entire army, and the entire people to make great achievements. historical significance in nearly 40 years of innovation in the country.

“The results achieved by the Vietnam Trade Union in recent years are the crystallization of many factors, including the efforts and overcoming all difficulties of the trade union team at all levels, including public officials. Typical unions were awarded the Nguyen Van Linh Award, excellent grassroots union presidents and grassroots unions were praised today" - Mr. Tran Thanh Man said.

According to the Chairman of the National Assembly, although the working environment, age, career, and circumstances are very different, the common point of the examples praised and honored today is the spirit of constant innovation and creativity. , there are many initiatives and solutions to improve the quality of union activities, improve working conditions, take better care of the material and spiritual lives of workers, and gain trust and good feelings. of workers, employers, party committees, authorities and the whole society.

On behalf of the Party and State leaders, Mr. Tran Thanh Man warmly praised the efforts and contributions of the Trade Union organization, union members, and workers nationwide over the past 95 years; congratulated the 10 outstanding Trade Union officials who were awarded the Nguyen Van Linh Award and the 95 typical and excellent grass-roots trade union presidents who were awarded.

Timely advice on jobs and workers' lives

Mr. Tran Thanh Man said that the requirement to promote industrialization, modernization, and increasingly deep international integration and the impact of the 4.0 industrial revolution pose opportunities and challenges for trade unions. new. In addition to employment opportunities, access to science and technology, and participation in the global value chain, businesses and workers require constant efforts to improve labor productivity, management capacity, and productivity. competitive force.

In addition, it is necessary to implement international commitments on labor in new generation Free Trade Agreements, requiring the Vietnam Trade Union to innovate strongly and comprehensively, affirming its core and direct role. continue to take care of building a strong, modern working class.

The Chairman of the National Assembly requested trade unions at all levels to continue to effectively implement the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress; Resolution No. 02 of the Politburo on innovating the organization and operation of Vietnam Trade Union in the new situation and the Party's policies and guidelines, and the state's legal policies on trade union organization and operation.

Along with that, the trade union organization regularly conducts social criticism supervision and participates in building the Party and authorities at all levels, building strong enough trade union resources to meet the tasks that the Party, State and society have set. The Association and all workers and employees trust and entrust.

In addition, according to the Chairman of the National Assembly, the Trade Union needs to promptly advise the Party and State on issues related to employment, workers' lives and the organization and activities of the Vietnam Trade Union; grasp the employment, income, and life situation, listen to the thoughts and aspirations of workers and union officials to develop programs and plans; Organize drastic and effective implementation, focusing on strong application of information technology in all union activities; innovate propaganda, advocacy, and care and training to improve the political bravery, educational level, professional skills, industrial style, labor discipline, and legal awareness of union members, workers; ensure safety and occupational hygiene for workers.

Trade unions at all levels also need to proactively contribute to the process of preparing for the 14th Party Congress, propagating the effective implementation of laws and resolutions of the National Assembly, including many new regulations and policies related to related to employees; Timely implement regulations on reforming salary policies, adjusting pensions, social insurance benefits, monthly benefits, preferential benefits for meritorious people and a number of social security policies other effective from July 1, 2024.

“I hope that the outstanding trade union officials praised today will strongly spread the spirit of innovation, creativity, and constant striving among trade union officials at all levels; There are many more outstanding trade union officials who deserve to receive awards, praise and honor in the coming years" - National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man expressed.

According to the Chairman of the National Assembly, during his lifetime, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong always had special affection, affirmed his important position, trust and expectations for the working class and the Vietnam Trade Union.

The Chairman of the National Assembly expressed his belief that, promoting the glorious tradition of the working class and the Vietnam Trade Union, in the coming time, the Vietnam Trade Union will have a new and stronger development step, making worthy contributions. worthy of the revolutionary cause of the Party and nation. Cadres, union members, workers and employees nationwide will continue to strive, work productively, embellish the fine traditions of the working class and trade unions, and actively contribute to the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country, for the goal of rich people, strong, equitable, democratic and civilized country.

Nhóm phóng viên

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