Tan Hiep has many models and initiatives of union members and workers


The patriotic emulation movement was positively responded to by union members and workers in Tan Hiep district (Kien Giang). Through launching the movement, there have been many models and initiatives for practical application.

On July 17, the Confederation of Labor (Confederation) of Tan Hiep district (Kien Giang) held a conference to summarize trade union activities in the first 6 months of 2024.

Recently, the labor movement and Trade Union activities of Tan Hiep district have achieved important results. The content and methods of trade union activities have been innovated, richer and more diverse, going deeper and focusing on the grassroots.

Patriotic emulation movements have been deployed widely and brought practical results. In particular, the special emulation movement to create achievements to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union (July 28, 1929 - July 28, 2024) was actively responded by the Communist Party of Vietnam with many valuable projects and products. highly appreciated.

In the first 6 months of 2024, Trade Unions at all levels in the district have done a good job of representing and protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees. Communist unions coordinate with authorities and employers to organize and well implement the Democracy Regulations at the grassroots level, thereby contributing to improving the quality and efficiency of the work of agencies, units and enterprises.

At the conference, thematic Certificates of Merit from the Provincial Labor Confederation were also awarded to 3 groups and 3 individuals; Specialized certificates of merit from the district Labor Federation for 6 collectives and 6 individuals. Photo: My Linh
At the conference, thematic Certificates of Merit from the Provincial Labor Confederation were also awarded to 3 groups and 3 individuals; Specialized certificates of merit from the district Labor Federation for 6 collectives and 6 individuals. Photo: My Linh

During the Lunar New Year and Workers' Month, trade unions at all levels gave more than 2,600 Tet gifts to union members worth over 870 million VND. Employers donated more than 2,400 gifts worth VND 980 million. In addition, every month, the Communist Party of Vietnam organizes birthday celebrations and visits to members who are sick, pregnant, or in difficult circumstances. The total amount of money at all levels of the Trade Union to organize movement activities, visits and care is more than 1.9 billion VND.

Maintaining revolving capital contribution groups without interest with 58 groups with 912 participants, contributing over 400 million VND monthly. Signing unsecured bank loans for 300 union members to borrow over 12 billion VND, helping union members have the conditions to buy household items and do business, thereby helping them improve their material and spiritual lives.

The patriotic emulation movement was actively responded to by union members and workers. Through launching the movement, there have been many models and initiatives for practical application. In 2023, there will be 105 initiatives of employees recognized by competent authorities and 148 employees will be certified as grassroots emulation soldiers.

At the conference, Mr. Pham Van Dang - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial Confederation of Labor said that the Trade Union work and the labor movement in the district have achieved quite comprehensive results in all aspects. The Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial Confederation of Labor assigned tasks in the coming time to all levels of Trade Unions in the district to promote propaganda and education among employees, especially propagating the Resolutions of Trade Union Congresses at all levels, associated with raising promote studying and following Ho Chi Minh's moral ideology. Perform well the representative function, take care to protect the legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees, especially guide the implementation of democratic regulations according to new regulations, strengthen inspection coordination, Inspect and supervise the implementation of regimes and policies related to employees. Pay attention to well organizing emulation movements to attract large numbers of union members and employees to participate, especially replicating effective models.


Kiên Giang thành lập Nghiệp đoàn xe lôi đạp du lịch TP Hà Tiên


Ngày 17.7, LĐLĐ TP Hà Tiên (Kiên Giang) cùng các đơn vị liên quan trên địa bàn thành phố đã tổ chức lễ ra mắt Nghiệp đoàn xe lôi đạp - Hà Tiên. Đây là 1 trong những sự kiện nằm trong chuỗi hoạt động chào mừng kỉ niệm 95 năm Ngày thành lập Công đoàn Việt Nam.

Huyện An Biên tập trung chăm lo quyền lợi cho đoàn viên, người lao động


6 tháng đầu năm 2024, các cấp Công đoàn của huyện An Biên (Kiên Giang) đã thực hiện tốt chức năng đại diện và bảo vệ quyền, lợi ích hợp pháp của đoàn viên và người lao động.

Gắn biển công trình cho học sinh ở huyện vùng sâu Kiên Giang


Công trình “Sân trường sạch, đẹp - an toàn” là một điển hình tiêu biểu cho những nỗ lực của các cấp, các ngành, nhà trường, mạnh thường quân và phụ huynh học sinh Trường Tiểu học Thạnh Yên A2, huyện U Minh Thượng (Kiên Giang) trong việc xây dựng môi trường giáo dục an toàn, lành mạnh.

Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN thăm, tặng quà người dân bị thiên tai tại Hà Giang

Nguyễn Tùng |

Ngày 14.9, ông Nguyễn Đình Khang, Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam (Tổng LĐLĐVN) cùng đoàn công tác tới thăm, tặng quà đoàn viên, công nhân viên chức lao động và người dân bị thiệt hại do lũ lụt tại Hà Giang.

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Thị trường ế ẩm, bánh Trung thu truyền thống vẫn đắt hàng

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Giờ thứ 9: Trả về nguyên quán - Phần 2

Nhóm PV |

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Di dời cả bản hơn 100 hộ ở Sơn La trước nguy cơ sạt trượt

Minh Nguyễn |

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