Deducting employees' salaries but not paying social insurance


In Dong Nai, there is a situation where businesses deduct monthly salaries from employees to participate in social insurance, but do not pay to the social insurance agency, affecting the rights of employees.

Quit job and found out I owe social insurance

Ms. N.T.H (43 years old, residing in Tan Phong ward, Bien Hoa city) has been a preschool teacher at A.N.S Kindergarten located in Bien Hoa city since 2017. In 2023, Ms. H. resigned and discovered that the school's social insurance participation process had only been finalized until August 2019, and the entire participation process had not been confirmed. Therefore, since quitting her job, Ms. H. has contacted the principal many times to request that the social insurance separate sheet with the full participation process be finalized and returned to Ms. H. but was not resolved.

After that, Ms. H. went to the Social Insurance agency of Dong Nai province to check the social insurance participation process and found out that the school still owed social insurance, so Ms. H. filed a lawsuit to claim benefits.

It is known that in the first 6 months of 2024, the Dong Nai Provincial Federation of Labor has supported and drafted petitions for 460 employees to send to competent authorities for settlement. Most of these are lawsuits or complaints related to social insurance disputes. Some enterprises currently deduct employees' salaries every month to participate in social insurance, but do not pay to the social insurance agency such as: I.F Company Limited (union officials drafted petitions to support lawsuits for 97 employees); A.N.S Kindergarten (5 cases)... and employees of other enterprises are also being supported by the center to draft lawsuits regarding social insurance.

According to the authorities, if a business does not close its social insurance books for its employees, it will directly affect its immediate and long-term benefits. At that time, policies such as sickness, maternity, work accidents, and occupational diseases arising during the social insurance debt process will cause the employee's benefits to be "suspended" without being resolved.

Debt on debt

According to Dong Nai Province Social Insurance, although the total social insurance debt arising in Dong Nai Province is lower than the average of the whole country and neighboring localities, the local debt is still high and the debt period is long, mainly falling on some enterprises such as: Lilama 45.1 Joint Stock Company, Hanul Line Company Limited, Lilama 45.4 Joint Stock Company, KL Texwell Company... and some enterprises have been dissolved, bankrupt, and the owners have absconded (the proportion of debt from 12 months or more is over 300.3 billion VND, accounting for 39.81%).

Mr. Pham Long Son - Deputy Director of Dong Nai Province Social Insurance - said that currently, the situation of late payment of social insurance arrears is still happening, affecting the rights of workers.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Y - President of Dong Nai Province Labor Federation - said that this "debt on debt" situation needs a fundamental solution, because the list of outstanding debts has been repeated for decades...

According to the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Dong Nai province, regarding the settlement of social insurance debts from 2020 to the end of 2023, the department has coordinated with the Social Insurance of Dong Nai province to invite 343 businesses to inspect the settlement of social insurance debts, health insurance, unemployment insurance and the settlement of sickness and maternity benefits... for employees. As a result, the businesses and units have resolved debts with a total amount of more than 113 billion VND/308 billion VND, reaching a rate of nearly 37%.


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Bạn đọc có email hỏi: Theo quy định mới hồ sơ hưởng bảo hiểm xã hội một lần gồm những gì?

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