6 major losses of businesses when attacked by cyber attacks


Large-scale cyber attacks can cause irreparable damage to businesses, in today's Internet-connected landscape.

When assessing the impact of cyber attacks on businesses, the first thing people care about is financial losses. However, according to Kaspersky, the threat from cyber attacks to businesses is much greater.

Cause financial loss

Cyberattacks often cause direct financial losses. For example, in ransomware attacks, hackers often demand a ransom to restore access to data or steal money directly. But attacks can also lead to many indirect financial losses. These losses can be even greater than the initial direct damage.

Disruption of operations

Cyber ​​attacks can disrupt business operations. Many businesses today rely heavily on digital technology to conduct their daily operations. So when systems are compromised, it can have a direct impact on productivity.

In severe cases, the entire production process can be disrupted for days or weeks. Businesses will face a headache: reduced revenue, reduced service quality and loss of trust from customers and partners. This will negatively impact the company's reputation.

Businesses face indirect costs over the long term.

Even after a cyberattack ends, businesses continue to face long-term financial impacts, including costs to restore systems, improve cybersecurity infrastructure, and deal with legal consequences, among other costs.

Besides, it can take months, even years, to restore damaged relationships and trust with customers and partners.

Damage to reputation

A customer data breach can severely damage a business’s reputation. Customers can lose trust and turn away, leading to a long-term loss of revenue. In some cases, a single data breach can completely destroy a brand’s reputation.

Businesses face legal and regulatory issues

Under data protection regulations such as the European Union's GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the US's HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), businesses can face serious penalties if customer information is leaked.

Disclosing sensitive customer or employee information can also expose a business to lawsuits and severe penalties under the law. Prolonged legal battles can also add to the financial burden and damage a company’s reputation.

Intellectual property loss

For many businesses, intellectual property (IP) is considered one of their most valuable assets. A cyberattack targeting IP can steal product designs, marketing strategies, and proprietary information.

Particularly in highly competitive industries such as technology and pharmaceuticals, the loss of intellectual property can erase a competitive advantage that a business has worked hard to build over many years.


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