US, EU and many major countries sign global AI treaty

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The United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union (EU) and several other major countries have signed a groundbreaking international treaty on artificial intelligence ( AI ).

Engadget reported on September 6 that the US, the UK, the European Union (EU) and several other major countries have signed a groundbreaking international treaty on AI. This treaty was initiated by the human rights organization Council of Europe (COE), called the "Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence , Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law".

The treaty aims to ensure that AI is developed and used in accordance with democratic values ​​and human rights. The signing ceremony took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, opening a new milestone in the control of AI at the international level.

The new AI treaty focuses on three key areas: protecting human rights, including privacy and preventing discrimination; maintaining and protecting democracies; and ensuring the rule of law.

In addition, the treaty provides a legal framework to govern the entire lifecycle of AI systems, from development to deployment and operation, helping to promote innovation while controlling potential risks that AI may pose.

Countries that have signed the treaty include the US , the UK, the EU and several others such as Andorra, Georgia, Iceland, Norway, Moldova, San Marino and Israel.

Many major countries from Asia, the Middle East and Russia are not currently party to the treaty. However, according to the COE statement, any country can join the treaty in the future if they commit to complying with its provisions.

COE Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić stressed the importance of upholding human rights and democratic standards in the face of growing AI. “We must ensure that the development of AI protects and strengthens our values, rather than undermines them,” she said.

She also affirmed that this convention is a strong legal document, drafted from diverse and comprehensive perspectives, to respond to the challenges and opportunities of AI.

The Treaty will officially enter into force three months after it has been ratified by at least five countries, including at least three member states of the COE.

This is part of a series of international efforts to govern and regulate AI, including the UK-hosted AI Safety Summit, the G7-led Hiroshima AI Process, and the UN AI resolution .

The signing of this treaty marks a major step forward in developing global regulations on AI, aiming to ensure that technological developments not only promote progress but also protect core values ​​of human rights and democracy.

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