After iPhone 16, some Android brands will have their own shutter button

THU UYÊN (THEO android authority) |

Apple's iPhone 16 series just introduced a dedicated camera shutter button. But this is really nothing new in the world of Android devices.

Now, it looks like at least two Android brands might be getting the feature soon.

Nubia President Ni Fei said on Weibo that the upcoming Nubia Z70 Ultra smartphone will have a “more practical” camera button. He also confirmed that the button will have two stages: a light press to focus and a hard press to take a photo.

Nubia isn't the only Android phone maker to introduce a camera shutter button following Apple's launch.

A previous rumor said that the OPPO Find X8 series will have a "Quick Button" to "capture the moment". It is not yet clear whether this button will be a regular physical shutter button or support gestures like the iPhone 16 button.

Apple's camera control button is a two-stage button that also supports swipe gestures for actions like zooming in or out.

In fact, many early smartphones had a camera shutter button long before Apple, with Sony continuing to include it on the Xperia 1 VI and earlier models. However, the iPhone's swipe gestures are a welcome addition to the traditional shutter button, and many users are hoping that Android manufacturers will bring the feature along.

THU UYÊN (THEO android authority)

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