Is using raw milk effective for dry skin?


Using milk to care for skin and fight dry skin is chosen by many people.

Does it work?

Dr. Shraddha Deshpande, cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Wockhardt Hospital Mumbai Central (India) shares that raw milk has emerged as a powerful ally against dry skin.

Raw milk is rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, D and E, and acts as a rich source of hydration for the skin, providing essential components that help dry cells become softer and more resilient.

The natural fats of raw milk form a protective film on the skin, locking in moisture and preventing unwanted dryness from setting in.

“The addition of lactic acid (a gentle exfoliant found in milk) not only improves skin texture but also enhances the skin's ability to absorb and retain moisture,” adds Dr. Deshpande.

Agreeing with the above opinion, Dr. Rinky Kapoor, dermatologist at The Esthetic Clinics (India) said that raw milk acts as a gentle and effective moisturizer.

Its high fat content, including omega-3 fatty acids, helps nourish and hydrate the skin, reducing dryness and preventing flaking. The lactic acid in raw milk acts as a mild exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and promoting smoother skin.

Additionally, raw milk contains vitamins that are known for their skin-restoring and rejuvenating properties. These vitamins contribute to the elasticity and overall health of the skin, making raw milk a great remedy for combating dry skin."

How to Incorporate Raw Milk into Your Skin Care Routine

“To incorporate raw milk into your skincare routine, you can apply a thin layer of raw milk and then gently massage it onto cleansed skin. This allows the nourishing properties to penetrate and repair the skin,” says Dr. Deshpande.


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