Things to note before storm number 3 Yagi makes landfall

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Super Typhoon Yagi - the strongest storm of 2024 - is approaching the Gulf of Tonkin, threatening coastal areas. Residents and tourists need to take timely preventive measures.

Typhoon No. 3 Yagi is forecast to be the strongest super typhoon in the Northwest Pacific region in 2024, with maximum winds and a large circulation. The zone of strong winds above level 8 has a radius of about 250 km. The zone of extremely strong winds above level 12 extends 80 km around the center of the storm.

Forecast of the path of super typhoon Yagi. Photo: Vietnam Disaster Monitoring System
Forecast of the path of super typhoon Yagi. Photo: Vietnam Disaster Monitoring System

International forecasting centers all believe that Typhoon Yagi will maintain the strength of a super typhoon (level 16 or higher) until it approaches the eastern coastal area of ​​Hainan Island (China).

When entering the Gulf of Tonkin, the storm's intensity is forecast to decrease to level 13-14, but is still very dangerous, with the possibility of gusts reaching level 16. When making landfall, the wind is expected to remain strong at level 9-12, gusting to level 13-14.

Prepare before the storm hits

According to recommendations from the Department of Dyke Management and Natural Disaster Prevention and Control (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), people should continuously monitor weather forecasts and update information via local loudspeakers.

Safety measures include:

Pile doors, remove dead or potentially broken plants.

Clean gutters, window wells, and ensure drainage is clear.

Bring flying objects into the house.

The Dike Management Department emphasized: “If there is no evacuation order, make sure your family takes shelter at home.”

In addition, people should prepare an emergency kit including a flashlight, radio, warm clothes, medicine, clean water, non-perishable food, and make a communication plan for family members. In particular, families with children should help them prepare their own personal belongings.

While the storm is hitting

The Disaster Management Agency advises people to be on the lookout for accidents caused by falling trees, electric shocks, and objects blown by the wind. Never take shelter under trees or electric poles. Stay indoors, away from windows and doors, and have a flashlight ready in case of a power outage. In particular, do not use candles in confined spaces to avoid the risk of fire or explosion.

If an evacuation order is issued, move immediately to a government-designated shelter and take necessary supplies with you. Be sure to report your location and the danger if rescue is needed.

After the storm passes

After the storm passes, the disaster prevention agency recommends that people continue to monitor the weather and only return home with permission from local authorities.

Hazards after a storm include downed power lines, electrified water, and the risk of flooding. Stay away from damaged buildings and be careful not to drive through flooded or blocked roads. Even large vehicles can be swept away or become stranded in dangerous conditions.

Following safety measures and being well prepared before, during and after a storm will minimize the risk of damage and protect the lives of you and your family.

Trang My

Cập nhật mới nhất về vị trí, thời gian bão Yagi đổ bộ đất liền


Từ tối ngày 6.9, bão số 3 Yagi có thể đổ bộ vào Vịnh Bắc Bộ và ảnh hưởng tới các tỉnh ven biển Bắc Bộ, Bắc Trung Bộ, kèm theo mưa lớn và gió mạnh.

Quy tắc cần nằm lòng để đảm bảo an toàn khi bão Yagi đổ bộ


Những lưu ý cần thiết để phòng tránh nguy hiểm và bảo vệ an toàn của bản thân khi bão Yagi đổ bộ.

Dự báo thời tiết hôm nay 6.9: Siêu bão Yagi cách Quảng Ninh 600km


Dự báo thời tiết hôm nay 6.9 Bắc Bộ mưa to đến rất to do hoàn lưu bão số 3 Yagi áp sát trước khi chính thức đổ bộ.

Siêu bão Yagi và những điều chưa từng có trong lịch sử


Siêu bão Yagi có nhiều đặc điểm chưa từng được ghi nhận trong lịch sử khí tượng Việt Nam.

Hủy hoãn loạt chuyến bay, đóng cửa sân bay tránh bão Yagi


4 sân bay ở miền Bắc và Bắc Trung Bộ tạm dừng hoạt động trong ngày 7.9 để tránh bão số 3 Yagi. Hàng loạt chuyến bay sẽ bị ảnh hưởng.