Husband discovered his wife was 25 years older than him right before the wedding

Chí Long |

A Japanese man has been in love with his girlfriend for 7 years without knowing she was 25 years older than him. The truth was only discovered before the wedding .

The story of Yoshitaka, 40 years old, and his wife Aki, 65 years old, became a topic that attracted many people's attention on social networks. The couple owns a Youtube channel with more than 18,000 followers.

According to Japanese media outlet Bunshun Online, the couple met at a Japanese-style bar run by Aki. At that time, Yoshitaka was divorced and was attracted to Aki's mature beauty. He fell in love with her at first sight.

The couple fell in love with each other from their first meeting. Photo: QQ
The couple fell in love with each other from their first meeting. Photo: QQ

Yoshitaka shared: "After talking with her, I saw that we both went through failed marriages, raised children alone, and also had many common interests."

The couple quickly fell in love and became a couple, but Aki was always worried about this relationship. She said the reason was because at that time, she always asserted that she was 44 years old (actually 54 years old). Aki is afraid that if he knows her real age, she will lose him.

Thanks to her cheerful personality and good skin care habits, Aki still maintains her beautiful appearance. Yoshitaka believed that the two only had an age gap of 15 years, but in reality, his lover was 25 years older than him.

Aki has tried many times to create opportunities for her boyfriend to discover her real age. "I left my passport and insurance card on the table, hoping he would notice," she said. But Yoshitaka only gently reminded her to store her things carefully, ignoring her suggestions.

After seven years together, they decided to get married. Aki revealed her real age to her boyfriend before the wedding .

Although a bit surprised at first, Yoshitaka said: "I don't care about your real age, it's not important. What's important is why didn't you tell me sooner so you wouldn't have to worry for so long?" So".

The wedding still took place as usual. According to Bunshun Online, after getting married, they quit their jobs and traveled around Japan. Photo: QQ
The wedding still took place as usual. According to Bunshun Online, after getting married, they quit their jobs and traveled around Japan. Photo: QQ

Currently, the couple is running an online air conditioning cleaning service store and sharing daily stories on YouTube.

Aki believes that Japanese society is still prejudiced against couples involving older women.

"Older men can proudly show off their young and beautiful wives, but many women who are older than their husbands are often hesitant to reveal their relationships to others," she said.

She concludes that true love is the most important thing. And people should accept couples of different backgrounds and ages.

After sharing, their story attracted many interested people on social networks . One netizen commented: "Love can make people ignore the age gap. I wish them happiness."

“Aki is older than my mother, but she looks younger than me,” another person said.

Chí Long

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