Fire broke out when it was discovered that the rented house had been a murder scene


After nearly a year of living alone in a rented apartment , the 20-year-old girl was shocked to discover that a murder had occurred at this location.

Chinese Business Daily reported that on August 8, a 20-year-old girl in Jilin, China posted a video sharing suspicions that the apartment she rented and was living in showed signs of being "haunted".

The girl shared that she had rented and lived in this apartment since December 2023 and always had a strange feeling, suspecting the apartment was "ghosted". However, it was not until August 4, 2024, through another person's story, that the girl learned that a murder had occurred here.

The girl said the homeowner deliberately hid this information. Previously, when asked for clarification, the landlord denied that the apartment was haunted and issued a challenge.

Only after the girl called the police to work did the homeowner admit the truth.

"If the landlord had told me in advance, I wouldn't have rented this apartment. I'm a 20-year-old girl and live alone. I was very scared. I was in a bad mood after finding out," the girl shared. shall.

Photos of the apartment suspected of being haunted were provided by the girl. Photo: The Paper
Pictures of the rented apartment suspected of being haunted were provided by the girl. Photo: The Paper

Lawyer Du Minzhen, who is providing legal advice to the girl, said this case is related to a rental contract dispute. He explained that if the landlord intentionally hides important information about the property's history, the tenant can request to cancel the contract and seek compensation for damages.

However, Mr. Du also noted that Chinese law does not have a clear definition of "haunted house".

"According to common understanding, a haunted house is a place where unusual deaths, such as a murder, occur, not natural deaths such as due to illness," Mr. Du said.

The case is currently causing debate on Chinese social networks about the responsibility of landlords and real estate brokers in informing tenants of the property's history.

An expert in the brokerage industry said real estate agencies need to verify and provide complete information about real estate, including safety issues and legal history.

The girl is currently considering suing the homeowner to protect her rights and request compensation for damages.


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