Allowance of the Vice Chairman of the Association of Former Combatants of the Commune from July 1


When the basic salary increases to VND 2,340,000 per month from July 1, 2024, the allowances of the Vice Chairman of the Association of Former Combatants in the Commune will also change.

Although there is no specific regulation on whether the Vice Chairman of the Association of Veterans of the Commune must be a non-professional official of the commune, in reality, this subject still holds the title of non-professional official of the commune at the commune level.

Monthly Allowance

Based on Article 34 of Decree 33/2023/NĐ-CP, the allowance fund for non-professional officials of the commune is equivalent to each type of commune as follows:

Commune Type 1: 21.0 times the basic salary

Commune Type 2: 18.0 times the basic salary

Commune Type 3: 15.0 times the basic salary

Commune with increased number: An additional 1.5 times the basic salary for each additional person

The basic salary applicable from July 1, 2024 is 2,340,000 VND/month according to Decree 73/2024/NĐ-CP.

Therefore, the Vice Chairman of the Association of Veterans of the Commune will receive a specific allowance within the total allowance fund allocated to the total number of non-professional official titles of the commune as follows:

Commune Type 1: Receives an allowance within the total allowance fund of 49,140,000 VND/month.

Commune Type 2: Receives an allowance within the total allowance fund of 42,120,000 VND/month.

Commune Type 3: Receives an allowance within the total allowance fund of 35,100,000 VND/month.

Allowance for increased number of non-professional officials: The additional allowance within the total allowance fund is 3,510,000 VND/person added.

This allowance fund will be applied to the number of non-professional officials of the commune as follows:

Type 1 is 14 people.

Type 2 is 12 people.

Type 3 is 10 people.

Adding one person to the commune with a large population and natural area compared to the standard as follows:

Ward in district: When adding 1/3 of the standard population size.

Remaining commune: When adding 1/2 of the standard population size or when reaching 100% of the standard natural area.

Part-time Allowance

Clause 2, Article 20 of Decree 33/2023/NĐ-CP stipulates that the title of Vice Chairman of the Association of Veterans of the Commune is a part-time title, and is entitled to part-time allowance as follows:

- By district officials and civil servants: 100% of the allowance rate of the Vice Chairman of the Association of Veterans of the Commune and the allowance rate they are currently receiving.

- Non-professional officials in other communes: 100% of the allowance rate of the part-time title.

- Directly participating in the activities of the village or neighborhood: Receives allowance based on the actual situation of the locality.


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