Top provinces with the highest village head allowances in the Northern mountainous region

Khánh Linh |

Although socio-economic conditions are still difficult, many northern provinces have made efforts to ensure allowances for village heads and party cell secretaries.

Lao Cai

According to Resolution No. 16/2023/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Lao Cai province, regulating the titles, regimes and policies for people working part-time at the commune, village, residential group level, and people directly participating in activities. activities in villages and residential groups in the province.

Accordingly, the allowance level for people working part-time in villages and residential groups is prescribed as follows:

Thus, for villages with 350 households or more; Residential groups have 500 households or more; Villages and residential groups belonging to key commune-level administrative units with complex security and order issues as decided by competent authorities; In villages and residential groups belonging to commune-level administrative units in border areas, the allowance levels for Village Heads, Party Cell Secretaries, and Heads of the Front Working Committee are respectively 4.32 million VND/month; 4.32 million VND/month and 3.51 million VND/month.

Lai Chau

According to Resolution No. 69/2023/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Lai Chau province regulating the titles, quantity, allowance levels, policies for part-time workers and other positions at the commune and village level. , villages, and residential groups in the province as follows:

Titles and monthly allowances for people working part-time in villages, hamlets and residential groups are regulated as follows:

Thus, the highest allowance level for Party cell secretaries, heads of villages, hamlets, residential groups, heads of Front work committees in villages with 350 households or more, residential groups with 500 households or more family or more; villages and hamlets in key communes with complex security and order issues as decided by competent authorities; Villages and hamlets in border communes in Lai Chau will receive 3,978 million VND respectively; 3,978 million VND/month and 3,276 million VND/month.

Tuyen Quang

Resolution 26/2023/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Tuyen Quang province regulates part-time activities; people participating in activities in villages and residential groups; Funding for operations at commune level, villages and residential groups in the province.

The monthly allowance for each position of a part-time worker in a village or residential group is prescribed as follows:

The village has 350 households or more; Residential groups have 500 households or more; Villages and residential groups belonging to key commune-level administrative units with complex security and order issues as decided by competent authorities; Villages with 350 households or more are transformed into residential groups due to the establishment of commune-level urban administrative units:

Remaining villages and residential groups:

Thus, the highest allowance level is for Party cell Secretaries, Heads of villages, hamlets, residential groups, Heads of Front Work Committees in villages with 350 households or more; Residential groups have 500 households or more; Villages and residential groups belonging to key commune-level administrative units with complex security and order issues as decided by competent authorities; Villages with 350 households or more are converted into residential groups due to the establishment of commune-level urban administrative units in Tuyen Quang at a base salary of 2.34, respectively 3.55 million VND/month; 3.55 million VND/month and 3,042 million VND/month.

Khánh Linh

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Thục Quyên (T/H) |

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Khánh Linh |

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Chậu hoa giấy trên phố đi bộ ở Đà Nẵng đồng loạt "nằm" tránh bão

Nguyễn Linh |

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Can the village chief concurrently hold multiple other positions?

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Village Head can concurrently hold multiple other positions if they meet the standards and have the capability to perform.

Village head, Party Secretary in Lao Cai receive how much allowance?

Khánh Linh |

Allowance for Village Head, Party Secretary in Lào Cai province is stipulated in the Resolution of the Provincial People's Council.

How much are the allowances of Village Heads and Party Cell Secretaries in Lang Son?

Khánh Linh |

Resolution No. 02/2024/NQ-HDND of the Lang Son Provincial People's Council clearly stipulates the allowance levels for Village Heads and Party Cell Secretaries in villages, hamlets and residential groups.