“Love Scout” is a Korean romance drama that revolves around the relationship between Kang Ji Yun (Han Ji Min), a CEO who is great at work but clumsy at everything else, and Yu Eun Ho (Lee Joon Hyuk), a secretary who is both capable at work and a single father who is good at taking care of children and doing housework.
After only 4 episodes, the film achieved impressive success with the highest average national rating of 11.3%.
Additionally, in the third week of January, "Love Scout" ranked No. 1 on the Korean drama popularity chart according to FUNdex - the official platform of Good Data Corporation.
Actors Lee Joon Hyuk and Han Ji Min also ranked 1st and 2nd respectively on the list of most notable actors.
Soompi gives 3 reasons why viewers should watch this movie.
Lee Joon Hyuk - Han Ji Min's chemistry
The perfect tension and romance between Han Ji Min - Lee Joon Hyuk is the first reason why the drama attracts viewers.
From episode 1, the chemistry between the two main characters, even when they disagree, has aroused interest. When they start working together as boss and secretary, the relationship becomes even more interesting.
Secretary Yu Eun Ho is portrayed as a perfect man who pays attention to every little detail for his boss. Typical romantic moments such as applying a band-aid, adjusting a collar, and sharing an umbrella in the rain easily make female viewers flutter.
In particular, the faces and impressive appearances of the two main actors play an important role in increasing the attractiveness of the characters.
Cinematography, setting
According to Soompi, right from the first episodes, "Love Scout" has shown many tourist attractions and beautiful scenery of Korea.
A memorable scene in episode 3 shows Eun Ho driving around the neighborhood while Ji Yun sleeps in the car. The beautiful night view of Seoul, combined with the music, creates a moment that viewers will want to watch over and over again.
Insight into the “headhunting” profession
In addition to the love story, "Love Scout" also brings a more interesting and profound perspective on the "headhunting" profession.
"Headhunter" or "headhunter" refers to specialists who recruit senior personnel for businesses.
In the drama, Ji Yun is the CEO of the top headhunting company in the industry, Peoplez.
The film is intriguing from the first episodes when it builds Ji Yun as a talented CEO, but has a painful past, partly caused by his own work.
She was once considered the person who indirectly caused the death of the former CEO of her old company Career Way. Currently, Ji Yun has to confront Hye Jin - the new CEO of Career Way. The tricks and fierce competition of the Headhunters add dramatic elements to the film, in addition to the love story.
“Love Scout” airs every Friday and Saturday night on SBS Korea and Netflix.