25 graduation points, which school should I choose to major in Circuit Design?


The benchmark score for admission to training majors related to IC Design at top universities is often very high.

Circuit design is a hot field of study that always receives the attention of many candidates. The benchmark of this industry in recent years has always been high.

Candidates can register for admission to this major using their high school graduation exam scores in 2024. Last year's benchmark score will be the basis for candidates to consider before choosing.

Below are some universities offering training in IC Design and the standard score for this field according to the high school graduation exam score from 24 - 26 points for candidates' reference.

At Hanoi University of Science and Technology , a number of majors related to the field of IC design include: Electronics - Telecommunications Engineering, Technical Physics, Microelectronics Engineering and Nanotechnology. In 2023, the standard admission threshold for these majors ranges from 24.28 - 26.46 points.

At Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology , the standard score for the IC design major in the Electronics - Telecommunications industry in 2023 is determined to be 66.59 points, according to a separate scoring method applied by the school.

According to information from the University of Information Technology - Ho Chi Minh City National University , the standard score for the Computer Engineering/IC circuit design major in 2023 is 25.4 points in block A00, A01 when using the review method. high school graduation exam scores.

From 2024, University of Science and Technology - University of Danang will open a Microelectronics major to provide specialized human resources in the field of Semiconductor Circuits. This industry mainly prioritizes consideration of high school graduation exam results and separate admissions.

Previously, the Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering industry also had specialized training in Circuit Design. Last year, the school set the standard admission score for this major as 24.05 points (A00; A01).

Majoring in Circuit Design - Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering of Polytechnic University - University of Danang has a standard score of 24.05. Screenshots

Notably, in 2024, Vietnam-Korean University of Information and Communications Technology will have 4 new majors. In particular, the Computer Engineering Technology major, Semiconductor Circuit Design major, has a standard score according to the transcript review method of 27 points.

The IC Design major at Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communications Technology has a standard score of 27 points according to the early admission method. Screenshots
The IC Design major at Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communications Technology has a standard score of 27 points according to the early admission method. Screenshots

To be accepted into majors related to Circuit Design, candidates need to have good study and exam results, and need to consider factors such as admission methods and benchmark scores at each school to Have the most effective recruitment plan.

According to the admission plan of the Ministry of Education and Training (GDĐT), from July 18 to 5:00 p.m. on July 30, candidates can register, adjust, and supplement their admission wishes an unlimited number of times.

Candidates can follow the list of university admission schools HERE .

See how to register for university admission HERE .


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