52 students and children died after storm number 3

Vân Trang |

To date, 52 students and children have died, 3 students are missing, 8 students are injured; 3 teachers have died, 1 teacher is missing due to storm No. 3 and its circulation.

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has just reported on the damage caused by storm No. 3 and its circulation to the education sector.

According to reports from localities, up to now, 52 students and children have died, 3 students are missing, 8 students are injured; 3 teachers have died, 1 teacher is missing.

Regarding teaching facilities and equipment, due to heavy rain and strong winds, many educational institutions in the provinces and cities in the mountainous regions of the North and the Northeast were deeply flooded, classrooms had their roofs blown off, many buildings collapsed, collapsed, and had broken glass; teaching equipment and students' school supplies were washed away and damaged by water. The Ministry of Education and Training has directed localities to continue to urgently focus on reviewing and assessing the damage, synthesizing reports to propose competent authorities to support funding to overcome the consequences.

Localities are currently in the process of making detailed statistics on the damage to classrooms and teaching equipment. According to initial reports, many schools were deeply flooded, many computers, subject classroom equipment, and student desks and chairs were severely damaged, making them difficult to repair.

In many provinces/cities, students’ textbooks are washed away or damaged, making them unusable. According to the latest statistics, in Yen Bai province alone, nearly 20,000 students have lost or damaged textbooks, and the cost to buy textbooks is estimated at over 9 billion VND.

On September 11, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam Education Trade Union held a ceremony to launch the Education sector to support people affected by storm No. 3. Initial results received more than 8 billion VND in cash and 3.5 billion VND in kind (school supplies, notebooks).

On September 13, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training met with the United Nations Children's Fund in Vietnam (UNICEF Vietnam) and international organizations: Save the Children, Plan International, Action for Education (AEA)... The organizations committed to mobilize support for the education sector with a minimum of 4.05 million USD to support food, drinks, textbooks, and school supplies for students.

Lanh dao Bo GDDT, Cong doan Giao duc Viet Nam quyen gop ung ho hoc sinh, giao vien, dong bao khac phuc hau qua bao so 3. Anh: Bo GDDT
Leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam Education Trade Union donated to support students, teachers, and people to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3. Photo: Ministry of Education and Training

Publishers have donated 2,000 sets of books to students in flood-hit areas; mobilized 12.5 million copies of books in stock; proposed printing 10 million additional copies; donated 719 million VND to the Vietnam Education Trade Union; and mobilized 124 million VND in salary contributions to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee.

The Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam Education Trade Union continue to call for and mobilize funding to support students.

According to reports, in 23/27 provinces and cities, water is gradually receding and educational institutions are mobilizing all educational management staff, teachers, parents, military forces, and local police to clean, disinfect, and sanitize schools to resume teaching on Monday, September 16, 2024.

However, there are still 99 schools/school locations in 06 provinces that cannot teach because the water has not completely receded, including: Lao Cai (83 schools/school locations), Cao Bang (1 school), Bac Kan (3 schools), Tuyen Quang (1 school), Yen Bai (3 schools), Bac Giang (8 schools).

To ensure the safety of students and teachers, the education sector has quickly implemented many response and remedial measures to stabilize teaching and learning activities in localities affected by the storm, only allowing students to return to school when safety is ensured; Providing textbooks and teaching equipment; Repairing school facilities and classrooms and developing a plan for make-up teaching.

Regarding support for teachers, education managers, students and children, for families of teachers and students who have died, gone missing or been injured, continue to implement financial support levels depending on the level of damage. Teachers who have died will receive support of 30 million VND/family, students and preschool children who have died will receive support of 10 million VND/family.

Vân Trang

Điểm chuẩn bổ sung ngành Y khoa chỉ từ 22,5

Vân Trang |

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Chợ đêm Ninh Kiều sáng đèn trở lại sau thời gian tạm dừng


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Additional benchmark for Medicine from only 22.5

Vân Trang |

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Set up temporary classrooms for students next to evacuation tents

Minh Nguyễn |

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It is strictly forbidden to assign support targets to parents and students

Vân Trang |

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