Bac Lieu lacks more than 1,200 teachers at the beginning of the new school year


Although 144 additional positions have been recruited, Bac Lieu province still lacks 1,244 teachers at all levels.

On August 20, Mr. Duong Hong Tan, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training of Bac Lieu province, said: In the 2024 - 2025 school year, Bac Lieu will have 144 additional teacher positions. In particular, units under the Department are assigned 16 targets.

After being supplemented, the education sector of Bac Lieu province has 8,321 staff members, but only uses 7,077 staff members. The number of teachers missing compared to the assigned staff is 1,244 teachers. This is the number of teachers needed to recruit in the 2024 - 2025 school year. Among them, the primary school level lacks the most teachers.

The increase in students at all levels is the reason why Bac Lieu province lacks teachers. Photo: Nhat Ho
The increase in students at all levels is the reason why Bac Lieu province lacks teachers. Photo: Nhat Ho

The number of targets needed at each educational level in Bac Lieu province is: 308 preschool teachers; primary school 516 teachers; secondary school 286 teachers; high school 134 teachers. The subjects that need to recruit the most teachers are Foreign Languages ​​and Information Technology.

According to the Department of Education and Training of Bac Lieu province, Gia Rai town is the place that lacks the most teachers. Of the 290 missing targets in this area, the preschool level needs 125 additional teachers, the secondary school level needs 89 teachers, and the primary school level needs 76 teachers.

Among the schools under the Department, the places with the biggest shortage of teachers are Tran Van Lam Middle School - High School (Hoa Binh district), which lacks 21 teachers, and Tan Phong High School (Gia Rai town). There is a shortage of 18 teachers.

Leaders of the education sector in Bac Lieu province said that the reason for the lack of teachers in the areas is because the number of students at all educational levels is expanding, leading to an increase in the need for teachers.

Recently, the provincial education sector has implemented teacher contracts within the assigned payroll quota; Visit teachers at other schools or assign teachers to increase the number of teaching periods within the allowable quota to overcome this situation.


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Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo tỉnh Bạc Liêu đề nghị các trường công khai các khoản thu đầu năm đến phụ huynh.

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