The chance of being admitted to a pedagogical school is only from 18 points

Vân Trang |

Below is the admission threshold for pedagogical schools in 2024. The admission threshold for many schools is only 18 points.

Hanoi University of Education in 2024 takes the minimum admission score from 18 - 22 points. History Pedagogy and Biology Pedagogy have the highest scores. See details HERE .

Ho Chi Minh City University of Education takes the minimum admission score from 19 - 24 points. The English Education major has the highest score. See details here .

The University of Education - Hanoi National University takes the base score from 20 - 21 points. See details here .

The University of Foreign Languages ​​- Hanoi National University takes the base score from 20 - 21 points. In particular, all 8 pedagogical training majors have a base score of 21 points. Detailed information is as follows:

Floor score
Admission threshold for University of Foreign Languages, Hanoi National University in 2024.

This year , Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education takes the minimum score from 15 to 19. For pedagogical training majors, the minimum score is 19 points.

The admission score is the total score of the 2024 high school exam of the exam subjects according to the combination of admission subjects (no coefficients) plus priority scores (no coefficients), admission from high to low.

Particularly for the English Language and English Pedagogy majors, the English subject is multiplied by a factor of 2, the priority score is not multiplied by a coefficient. See details here .

The University of Education - University of Da Nang takes the admission floor score of 19. Some majors that consider aptitude scores have specific regulations on admission admission scores, details are as follows:

Admission threshold for University of Education - University of Da Nang in 2024.
Admission threshold for University of Education - University of Da Nang in 2024.

See the admission threshold for University of Education - Hue University in 2024 HERE .

At Hanoi University of Education 2 , except for the Physical Education major with a minimum score of 18 points, all remaining teacher training majors have a minimum score of 19 points.

University of Education - Thai Nguyen University takes the base score from 19 - 23 points. The History Education major has the highest admission score. Candidates monitor the admission threshold for University of Education - Thai Nguyen University according to the following table:

Admission threshold for University of Education - Thai Nguyen University in 2024.
Admission threshold for University of Education - Thai Nguyen University in 2024.

Hanoi University of Physical Education and Sports takes the base score from 15 - 19 points. See details here .

Saigon University in 2024 will take the base score from 16 - 24.5 points. In the pedagogical field, the Math Pedagogy field received the highest score with 24.5 points; English Education major takes 23 points. The fields of Physical Education, Music Education and Fine Arts Education receive applications from 18 points, the rest all take 19 points. See details HERE .

Can Tho University in 2024 will get a base score of 15 - 19 points. All teacher training majors have a high minimum score of 19 points (only Physical Education is 18 points). See details here .

At Hong Duc University in 2024, candidates whose high school graduation exam scores in the combination of admission subjects meet the threshold to ensure input quality for the group of university-level teacher training majors in 2024 (according to Decision No. 1958/QD-BGDDT dated July 19, 2023 of the Ministry of Education and Training).

Particularly for admission combinations of majors with aptitude tests (M00, M05, M07, M11 in the Early Childhood Education major and M00 in the Elementary Education major), the aptitude test score is 5.0 or higher and the total score is 2 exam subjects in the admission combination + priority x 2/3 > threshold to ensure input quality. See details HERE .

Vân Trang

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