Dak Lak proposes entrance exam for 10th grade students


The entrance exam for grade 10 in Dak Lak province has revealed many shortcomings. The Department of Education and Training has proposed to organize entrance exams throughout the province.

Mr. Do Tuong Hiep - Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training (GDDT) of Dak Lak province said that the unit will propose to the Ministry of Education and Training and the People's Committee of Dak Lak province to enroll students in grade 10 in the coming school years by entrance exam.

Previously, the Department of Education and Training proposed an entrance exam. However, the locality has not yet implemented it.

Practical research shows that currently, nearly 60 provinces and cities across the country have implemented entrance exams. In particular, the education sector of Dak Lak province has applied entrance exams for nearly 10 years (except for some specialized schools and non-public schools).

The above-mentioned admission method has revealed many shortcomings. Because the admission of grade 10 high school is being carried out according to the Career Education and Student Orientation Program in General Education for the period 2018 - 2025 (Project 522).

Accordingly, 70% of students after graduating from junior high school will enter high school, the rest will study a vocational program combined with culture. However, the process of student streaming in Dak Lak province has revealed many shortcomings.

For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, the application of the form of selection and classification based on the area. Therefore, students can only choose 1 school. This leads to the situation that many students with high scores still fail, while students with lower scores still pass public schools.

Regarding this incident, the Department of Education and Training of Dak Lak province admitted that the admission form has limitations such as junior high school graduates do not have the opportunity to choose high schools in the district, town, or city because they have been assigned to zoning.

In addition, the results of tests, assessments of academic performance and conduct among junior high schools are uneven, making the selection process difficult...

Entering the 2024-2025 school year, Dak Lak province will apply the form of admission and entrance exam to grade 10. The whole Dak Lak province has 53 public high schools.

Of these, 12 schools (9 high schools, 1 specialized school, 2 boarding high schools for ethnic minorities) organize entrance exams, the rest consider admission based on academic records.

As a result, the benchmark scores of 9 high schools are very low. Only 2 schools (Buon Ma Thuot High School, Le Quy Don High School) have an entrance benchmark score of 15.75 points.

In the remaining schools, the benchmark score is only 5 - 6 points for 3 subjects (Math, Literature, Foreign Language). In fact, there are many failing scores in this exam, up to 1,887 failing scores, mainly in Math with 1,799 failing scores.

It is worth mentioning that despite the low benchmark scores, many schools did not meet their enrollment targets. The total enrollment target assigned by the Department of Education and Training to the above 9 schools was 4,572 students, but in reality, they only recruited 3,893 students, 679 students short of the target.

Finally, the Department of Education and Training of Dak Lak province had to lower the admission scores for both entrance exams and admissions to recruit more students.


Dấu hỏi về sự công bằng từ kỳ thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10

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Hết cảnh xếp hàng chờ đợi tuyển sinh đầu cấp

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Phụ huynh chán nản với công tác tuyển sinh lớp 10 ở Đắk Lắk


Đắk Lắk - Nhiều phụ huynh ở tỉnh Đắk Lắk cảm thấy chán nản, mệt mỏi với đợt tuyển sinh lớp 10 năm 2024 do ngành giáo dục địa phương tổ chức.

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Question marks about fairness from the 10th grade entrance exam

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Parents are frustrated with the 10th-grade admissions process in Đắk Lắk


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