Teacher's case of salary cut: School violated regulations

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - Regarding the case of teachers complaining about their benefits being cut, Quy Nhon City determined that the school's inclusion of traditional martial arts in the official curriculum was against regulations.

School implemented wrong regulations

Regarding the content of Mr. Nguyen Van Xuan - teacher at Ngo May Secondary School (Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh) - accusing of having his benefits cut for many years, recently, the People's Committee of Quy Nhon City responded to Lao Dong Newspaper.

Quy Nhon City People's Committee confirmed that Ngo May Secondary School has included VCT (extracurricular program) in the main curriculum. The arbitrary change of the program prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training has led to the situation where teachers have their extracurricular teaching regime for VCT cut.

Thay Xuan nhieu nam om don di doi lai quyen loi nhung deu bat thanh. Anh: Phuong Thao
Mr. Xuan has been petitioning for his rights for many years but has been unsuccessful. Photo: Phuong Thao

Quy Nhon City People's Committee stated: In Document No. 167/GDDT-TCTr dated March 31, 2022 of the Department of Education and Training of Quy Nhon City regarding the response to the petition of Mr. Nguyen Van Xuan, the content of the organization and implementation of the physical education program for the 2018-2019 school year is as follows: "During the school year, the school organized VCT lessons instead of some periods with TTTC content (elective sports - PV) in the main curriculum. Through reviewing the lesson plan, it was determined that the school's arrangement of VCT lessons instead of some periods with TTTC content in the main curriculum was not in accordance with regulations...".

Regarding this content, the Department of Education and Training of Quy Nhon City has requested Ngo May Secondary School to report and explain the arrangement of teaching VCT instead of some lessons with TTTC content in the official curriculum.

Determine the level of violation to handle

Previously, at the working session on September 30, 2024 between Lao Dong Newspaper and Quy Nhon City People's Committee and related parties, Mr. Nguyen Phuong Nam - Vice Chairman of Quy Nhon City People's Committee said that he would work with the principal to clarify the teachers' reflection on "putting Binh Dinh VCT into the official curriculum, arbitrarily changing the curriculum prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training, leading to the situation where teachers were cut off from extracurricular teaching of VCT", and then would give specific handling directions.

However, in the response document to Lao Dong Newspaper, Quy Nhon City People's Committee only confirmed that the school had included VCT in the official curriculum, without mentioning how to handle the content of "arbitrarily changing the curriculum prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training, leading to the situation where teachers had their extracurricular teaching regime of VCT cut" as the teacher reported.

Responding to this issue, on October 14, Mr. Nguyen Phuong Nam said that based on the newspaper's reflection, the city had discussed with the Department of Education and Training of Quy Nhon City to check the school's inclusion of VCT in the official curriculum and re-determine the number of VCT teaching hours of Mr. Xuan. After the verification results are available, the city will continue to respond.

In case the school assigns a program that is not in accordance with regulations, the Department of Education and Training will review and inspect to determine the specific level of violation, and from there propose a solution.

Teachers denounce cuts in benefits

Mr. Xuan presented that according to regulations, the teaching quota for junior high school teachers is 37 weeks (35 weeks of actual teaching + 2 weeks of educational activities)/1 school year, each week is 19 periods. However, in reality, in 35 weeks of actual teaching/school year, the school assigned Mr. Xuan to teach 20 periods/week, which is not in accordance with regulations.

Mr. Xuan expressed his dissatisfaction because the school did not convert educational activities such as: meetings, group activities, professional groups, managing students participating in propaganda sessions, sports events, participating in epidemic prevention and control... into standard teaching periods, leading to teachers teaching too much but not enough periods.

Mr. Xuan also reflected that the inclusion of Binh Dinh VCT in the school's official curriculum for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years was against regulations, arbitrarily changing the curriculum set by the Ministry of Education and Training, leading to the situation where teachers were cut off from extracurricular teaching of VCT...

Hoài Phương

Giáo viên ở Bình Định tố bị cắt xén chế độ trong nhiều năm

Hoài Phương |

3 năm qua, thầy Nguyễn Văn Xuân - giáo viên Trường THCS Ngô Mây (TP Quy Nhơn, Bình Định) - người có 20 năm công tác trong ngành giáo dục phải “chạy đôn chạy đáo”, bỏ không biết bao thời gian, công sức để ôm đơn đi đòi quyền lợi, với mong mỏi sớm được nhận chế độ chính đáng của mình.

Nhân viên y tế trường học tủi thân vì bị bỏ rơi quyền lợi

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Tập thể nhân viên y tế trường học ở huyện Tây Sơn đã không ít lần thất vọng khi ròng rã ôm đơn đi đòi quyền lợi gần chục năm nhưng đều bất thành.

Bình Định yêu cầu xử lý các bất cập trên Quốc lộ 19

Hoài Phương |

Ngày 11.10, Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Bình Định đã chỉ đạo các cơ quan, đơn vị, địa phương cùng vào cuộc xử lý các bất cập về hạ tầng giao thông trên Quốc lộ (QL) 19.

Đình chỉ sinh hoạt đảng 34 đảng viên tại Hà Tĩnh

Cẩm Hà |

Ủy ban Kiểm tra các cấp tại Hà Tĩnh đình chỉ sinh hoạt đảng đối với 34 đảng viên, đình chỉ sinh hoạt cấp ủy đối với 1 đảng viên.

Giá vàng hôm nay 15.10: Vàng nhẫn phá mọi kỷ lục

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 15.10: Thị trường vàng thế giới giảm. Trong nước, giá vàng miếng SJC bất động, vàng nhẫn trơn tăng cao.

Chính thức khai tử điện thoại cục gạch 2G tại Việt Nam

Anh Tuấn |

Sau ngày 15.10, điện thoại cục gạch chỉ hỗ trợ công nghệ 2G sẽ không thể nghe gọi.

Trực đêm 12 giờ chưa mua nổi bát phở, nhân viên y tế mong sớm nâng phụ cấp

Lệ Hà |

Trong lúc áp lực công việc ngày càng tăng, lương cơ sở được điều chỉnh tăng tới 8 lần, phụ cấp trực của nhân viên y tế vẫn “duy trì bền vững” trong gần 15 năm nay với mức rất thấp. Do đó, đề xuất của Bộ Y tế về tăng phụ cấp trực tại các cơ sở y tế công lập nhận được nhiều sự quan tâm của người lao động ngành y.

Thủ đoạn của cán bộ địa chính xã ở Thái Bình vừa bị bắt giam


Thái Bình - Dù không có chức năng, nhiệm vụ thu tiền và thực hiện quy trình làm hồ sơ cấp sổ đỏ cho người dân, Thịnh vẫn “nổ” làm được, chiếm đoạt tiền.

Teachers in Binh Dinh report being cut back on benefits for many years

Hoài Phương |

For the past 3 years, Mr. Nguyen Van Xuan - a teacher at Ngo May Secondary School (Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh) - who has 20 years of experience in the education sector - has had to "run around", spending countless hours and efforts to petition for his rights, hoping to soon receive his legitimate benefits.

School health workers feel hurt because their rights are being neglected

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - The school health workers in Tay Son district have been disappointed many times after petitioning for their rights for nearly ten years but to no avail.

Binh Dinh requests to handle shortcomings on National Highway 19

Hoài Phương |

On October 11, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province directed agencies, units, and localities to jointly handle traffic infrastructure problems on National Highway 19.