Will the benchmark scores of top schools increase or decrease?

Vân Trang |

Below are the expected benchmark scores of a series of top universities in 2024.

Associate Professor Dr. Vu Thi Hien said that analyzing the spectrum of high school graduation exam scores this year showed that, compared to 2023, the number of candidates with scores reaching the threshold of 27 or higher in combinations such as A00 and D01 increased compared to 2023. with the previous year.

“We predict that benchmarks may increase slightly, but not in all combinations. Scores may increase in combinations like A00, D01" - Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Thi Hien made a prediction for the standard score of Foreign Trade University this year.

At Hanoi University of Science and Technology, the three majors expected to have the highest input are Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with a level above 28. These are also the majors with benchmark scores. highest in recent years.

Control Engineering - Automation, Digital Space Safety, Information Technology (Vietnam - Japan, Global ICT, Vietnam - France) sectors. There are also majors that only take 20-22.75 points such as Textile Technology, Environmental Engineering, Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Materials Science and Engineering (advanced programs) with expected benchmark scores at 27-28.

The forecast for these industries increases by about 0.75 points compared to last year.

Associate Professor, Dr. Le Dinh Tung - Head of Training Management Department, Hanoi Medical University, said that based on the 2024 high school graduation exam scores announced by the Ministry of Education and Training (GDĐT), the scores are predicted. Admission standards for the school's training majors this year tend to increase slightly.

Accordingly, combination B00 (Math, Chemistry, Biology) is the main combination the school uses to enroll students in 2024. Meanwhile, based on this year's high school graduation exam score spectrum, the number of candidates scoring This combined high is higher than previous years.

"We think that the threshold for admission to majors tends to increase slightly. Some majors in the high group have a higher level of increase, for example Medicine, Dentistry. The increase may be equivalent, approaching the threshold. score in 2022" - Mr. Tung analyzed.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Trung - Deputy Head of Communications and Admissions, Thuongmai University predicts that the school's benchmark scores will be stable compared to 2023.

"In recent years, the school's standard training programs are usually around 26 points, in hot majors, the score can be up to 27 points" - Mr. Trung shared.

The University of Natural Sciences - Hanoi National University forecasts the school's lowest benchmark score at 20 points in the fields of Natural Geography, Geology, Materials Science... Engineering Electronics and information technology is expected to get the highest benchmark score at 25 - 26.5 points. Next is Pharmaceutical Chemistry with about 24 - 25.5 points.

At the Banking Academy, according to Dr. Tran Manh Ha - Head of Training Department, the Banking Academy's benchmark score will remain stable or increase slightly compared to 2023.

Below is detailed information about expected benchmark scores for universities in 2024. Candidates click on each school to see detailed information.

8. Hanoi Medical University

7. Foreign Trade University

6. Hanoi University of Science and Technology

5. University of Natural Sciences, Hanoi National University

4. Hanoi University of Industry

3. Banking Academy

2. University of Commerce

1. Vietnamese Women's Academy

Vân Trang

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Predicting the benchmark score of Foreign Trade University in 2024

Vân Trang |

Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Thi Hien, Head of Training Management Department, Foreign Trade University, predicted the standard score equal to the school's high school graduation exam score this year.