List of pedagogical majors with benchmark scores above 28

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In 2024, the benchmark score for pedagogy at many schools continues to increase, nearly reaching the threshold of 30 points (30-point scale).

Compared with previous years, the standard score for pedagogy at many schools this year continues to increase, nearly reaching the threshold of 30 points (30-point scale). Many newly opened majors also have a standard score of 9 points/subject for admission.

At Hanoi University of Education, this year's standard scores range from 22 to 29.3 points. The two fields of History Pedagogy and Literature Pedagogy have the highest admission scores with 29.3 points. This school's Geography Education benchmark scores ranked second with 29.05 points

Meanwhile, the group of teacher training and Fine Arts pedagogy has the lowest input but still at 22.69 points.

Standard score of Hanoi University of Education in 2024
Standard score of Hanoi University of Education in 2024

This year, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education also recorded highly effective enrollment results when three teacher training majors had admission scores of over 28 points.

Leading are the two majors: Literature Pedagogy and History Pedagogy with a score of 28.6 points, followed by the Geography Pedagogy major with 28.37 points. Ranked fourth and fifth are History - Geography Pedagogy with 27.75 points and Chemistry Pedagogy with 27.67 points, respectively.

History Pedagogy and Literature Pedagogy are also the two majors with the highest standard scores at Hanoi University of Education 2 with 28.83 points. The school's teacher training majors have an increase of between 0.3 and 2 points. Informatics Pedagogy has the highest standard score increase compared to last year (up 2.13 points).

This year, the University of Education, Hanoi National University has benchmark scores ranging from 24.92 to 28.89 points for 5 major groups. GD1 group - Mathematics and Natural Sciences Pedagogy, GD2 group - Literature, History, History and Geography Pedagogy, GD3 group - Educational Sciences and other, GD4 group - Primary Education, GD5 group - Preschool education. Group GD4 is the industry group with the highest standard score in the school with 28.55 points, an increase of 1 point compared to 2023. Group GD3 is the industry group with the highest standard score increase (up 4.42 points) compared to last year.

The 2024 benchmark score of the University of Education, University of Danang ranges from 19 - 28.13 points. History Pedagogy is still the major with the highest standard score in the school with 28.13 points, an increase of 0.55 points compared to last year.

At Saigon University, the pedagogy group also impressed with a score of up to 28.25 points when considering admission using high school graduation exam scores in 2024.

History pedagogy has the highest standard score with 28.25 points, followed by philology pedagogy 28.11, mathematics pedagogy 27.75 points.

In fact, the towering score of the Pedagogy major is not unexpected by experts. One of the main reasons is that the number of candidates registering for pedagogy has increased, with some schools reaching up to 200%, which is double compared to previous years.

According to students majoring in pedagogy, in recent years, the change in remuneration policy and monthly living allowance for pedagogy students is the main reason why many candidates choose this major.

Vân trang

Nhiều cơ hội cho thí sinh chưa trúng tuyển đại học năm 2024

Vân Trang |

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Giờ thứ 9: Trả về nguyên quán - Phần 2

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Many opportunities for candidates who have not yet been admitted to university in 2024

Vân Trang |

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Benchmark picture in 2024: Pedagogy and Journalism are on the throne, 9 points/subject is still difficult to pass

Nhóm PV |

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Standard score of Hanoi University of Education in 2024

Vân Trang |

The benchmark score of Hanoi University of Education in 2024 has just been announced.