Conditions to become Principal at all levels


What requirements do you need to meet to become a Principal is a question that many people are interested in.

For preschool

Talking with Lao Dong Newspaper about the regulations on becoming principals at all levels, lawyer Nguyen Pho Dung - Director of OPIC Law Company Limited and Associates, Hanoi Bar Association advised:

To become Principal of a school or kindergarten, the appointee must meet the following standards:

Must have standard training and an intermediate degree in preschool pedagogy. At the same time, candidates are required to have at least 5 years of continuous work experience in the field of preschool education. However, in case of special work requirements, the working time in preschool education can be reduced according to regulations.

Complete the management training program to master management knowledge and skills. At the same time, candidates need to be reputable in terms of political qualities, ethics, lifestyle, expertise and professionalism. In addition, it is necessary to have the ability to organize and manage schools and kindergartens, along with good health status.

For elementary school

To become an elementary school principal, the appointed or recognized person must meet the standards of an elementary school principal. This content is contained in Circular 14/2018/TT-BGDDT dated July 20, 2018.

Have a bachelor's degree or higher in the teacher training field. In case there are not enough teachers in the subject with a bachelor's degree in the teacher training field, they must have a bachelor's degree in an appropriate major and a teacher professional training certificate. violation.

Have taught for at least 5 years or 4 years in mountainous areas, islands, highlands, remote areas, ethnic minority areas, and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions at the elementary level .

For middle schools, high schools, and high schools, there are many levels of education

According to Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, to become a principal, the following conditions are required:

Must meet the standard training qualifications of teachers according to the provisions of the Education Law for the school level;

Achieve standard training at the highest educational level for high schools with many educational levels;

Have taught for at least 5 years or 4 years in mountainous areas, islands, highlands, remote areas, ethnic minority areas, areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions at the educational level there.

Principals and vice principals of secondary schools must meet the standards specified in the standards for principals of middle schools, high schools and multi-level high schools according to the standards for principals of general education establishments issued by the Ministry. issued by the Minister of Education and Training (currently regulated in Circular 14/2018/TT-BGDDT dated July 20, 2018).


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