Lecturers at FPT College HCMC continue teaching

Chân Phúc |

FPT College HCMC said that MD lecturers will continue to teach at the school.

On the afternoon of September 3, speaking with Lao Dong, a representative of FPT College in Ho Chi Minh City said that the previous decision to terminate the labor contract, according to the agreement between the school and the lecturer, was hasty, did not meet the legal basis, and lacked academic merit.

The Board of Directors of FPT Polytechnic and the leaders of FPT Polytechnic College, Ho Chi Minh City campus, met and worked with MD lecturers.

"After discussing and considering the incident and the lecturer's personal wishes, the relevant parties have reached an agreement that the MD lecturer will continue to teach at the school," the school representative informed.

For students and parents, the school will coordinate to resolve according to the family's wishes, so that students can soon stabilize their psychology and achieve the best learning results.

Previously, as Lao Dong reported, the MD lecturer and FPT College Ho Chi Minh City terminated the labor contract , after the incident involving the lecturer's inappropriate criticism of teaching methods in the class, causing students to feel ashamed in front of their friends.

On August 10, after submitting the exam for the subject Color, Graphic Design major, NKL student GD1807 received a score of 0 from lecturer MD, with the reason "Because of using AI, there is no ability to edit the exam according to the lecturer's instructions, leading to the exam quality being no different from the previous exam quality".

After students questioned their grades in the class messenger group, the lecturer exchanged messages criticizing the students’ test-taking methods. According to parents, this made the students feel embarrassed in front of their friends and sad and cry.

On August 13, parents went to the school and met with school representatives to "request an assessment of the quality of the teachers."

On August 15, the school (HCMC campus leadership) established a review board to review the students' exams and concluded that the exam was 5 points. At the review session, students shared their satisfaction with the new results.

On August 21, after recording the relevant information, the subject lecturer directly met and apologized to the student for the inappropriate messages within the class (on the internet).

However, upon learning about the meeting, the parents expressed their opinion to the school representative that they "did not approve of the method of meeting the student privately to resolve the problem, and requested that the lecturer apologize in the class group (on the internet)".

Lecturer MD then sent a message to the class group with the content: “I congratulate KL on successfully defending the subject. During the teaching process, sometimes I have misunderstood behaviors that make KL sad. I apologize to you and hope you regain your motivation, learning spirit and continue studying. I wish you all to always have motivation and cooperative spirit in studying, achieving many successes in studying and life.”

The school verified that the message content received the consent of other students; student KL had left the class group before, so (maybe) he could not read this message.

On August 28, the school representative scheduled a meeting with the parents to discuss the details and agree on a solution to the problem, and invited the MD lecturer to participate, but the lecturer was absent. After the meeting, the parents and the school agreed on a solution.

The school said that the school worked privately with the MD lecturer to review, learn from experience and come to an agreement to terminate the labor contract with the MD lecturer, effective August 28, 2024.

However, after the information about the contract termination was posted, many people expressed their opinions and views in defense of the MD lecturer, saying that the punishment was too harsh.

Chân Phúc

Cao đẳng FPT nói không buộc thôi việc với giảng viên

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Mức lương giảng viên đại học

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Một giảng viên Trường ĐH Sư phạm Kỹ thuật Đà Nẵng bị tố sử dụng sách chưa được xuất bản, để giảng dạy, làm hồ sơ thi lên giảng viên chính, thi đua...

Quy hoạch xây dựng nhà mới cho 37 hộ dân Làng Nủ

Đinh Đại |

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Giãn nợ, giảm lãi suất để hỗ trợ người dân, doanh nghiệp ổn định sản xuất

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Công đoàn hỗ trợ hàng trăm lao động thắng kiện

Tường Minh |

Được 62 lao động ủy quyền, LĐLĐ thành phố Đà Nẵng khởi kiện và thắng kiện Công ty CP Dệt Hòa Khánh. Vụ việc đã mang đến sự tự tin hơn cho tổ chức Công đoàn trong nỗ lực đồng hành, bảo vệ người lao động.

Lúa ngã rạp do mưa bão, nông dân lãi vẫn to


Dù bị ảnh hưởng bởi mưa bão, thế nhưng sau khi thu hoạch vụ lúa Hè thu 2024 nông dân Hậu Giang vẫn có lãi to nhờ giá lúa cao.