Principal advises students to study with youthful passion

Vân Trang |

The Principal of National Economics University advises students to study and research with passion and dedication of youth.

On September 29, the National Economics University held the opening ceremony of the 66th regular university course, welcoming more than 8,200 new students.

Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Chuong - Principal of National Economics University - said that becoming a university student is a big turning point in planning for the future of life and career, the beginning of a life journey with many interesting experiences waiting for you ahead.

GS.TS Pham Hong Chuong – Hieu truong Truong Kinh te Quoc dan danh trong khai giang nam hoc moi. Anh: Van Trang
Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Chuong - President of National Economics University beats the drum to open the new school year. Photo: Van Trang

"Study and research with the passion and dedication of youth, quickly adapt to new learning methods creatively and build capacity and accumulate necessary skills" - Prof. Dr. Pham Hong Chuong advised and hoped that students would be brave to explore, be creative and constantly strive. He hoped that each student would be brave to explore, be creative and constantly strive, together with teachers to create a smart path, so that each student can become the best version of themselves, bringing value to the community.

In particular, in the context of the changing world, Mr. Chuong believes that students need to take full advantage of the opportunity to accumulate basic knowledge about technology. This will be the premise for them to become administrators, managers, and technology engineers of the new era, the digital era, the period when modern technology is present and changing the world dramatically.

Sinh vien tham du Le khai giang Truong Dai hoc Kinh te Quoc dan nam 2024
Students attend the opening ceremony of the National Economics University in 2024. Photo: Van Trang

“I know that many of you sitting here will be away from home for the first time, away from your loving family to start an independent life. There are many things you will have to decide for yourself, facing difficult choices. You should try to cultivate your courage to proactively absorb positive values. Connect with your classmates, like-minded people to create strength. I hope and wish that you will always maintain your passion, desire to learn and never stop dreaming” - the President of the National Economics University told the new students.

Representing the excellent new students, Tran Tung Bach - a new student majoring in Management Information Systems - shared: "Difficulties, challenges and new things are inevitable, but I and all of my classmates in Class 66 feel proud and ready to make efforts to overcome all obstacles on the upcoming journey."

Putting aside the joy of having achieved the results of his 12 years of study, new student Tran Tung Bach also realized his responsibilities in the next 4 years of study. That is, he needs to quickly master and accumulate knowledge so as not to waste his years in university.

In 2024, the National Economics University will enroll 66 majors/training programs, including 6 new majors: Artificial Intelligence; Data Science; Information Security; Software Engineering; Information Systems; Entertainment and Event Management. The total enrollment target announced in the school's Project is 7,995 (including regular university and university-regular university bridging).

Vân Trang

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