15,000 students compete in financial game show

Vân Trang |

More than 15,000 students from 27 universities nationwide participated in the reality TV show "The Moneyverse".

This is the first reality TV show in Vietnam about financial education combined with entertainment for students, officially airing on VTV3 from September 29.

Participating in the program, more than 15,000 students from 27 universities nationwide demonstrated their talent, confidence and ability to adapt flexibly in challenges revolving around 5 planets: Earning money - Spending money - Accumulating - Investing - Preserving.

Sinh vien tham gia chuong trinh “The Moneyverse - Vu tru Dong tien“. Anh: Ban to chuc
Students participating in the program “The Moneyverse - Universe of Money”. Photo: Organizing Committee

After the live school-level qualifying round at 27 schools to find the Top 3 best candidates, the candidates entered the national final round which was recorded and broadcast on VTV, including 4 rounds: Training - Quarterfinals - Semifinals - Finals.

Through the rounds, the program will eliminate contestants through each episode, the 3 best final contestants will enter the final round to win the opportunity to conquer 1 billion VND and the future of becoming employees of leading financial institutions in Vietnam.

Mr. Pham Quoc Thang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of VTV Times, expressed his hope that through this program, students will gain more knowledge about managing their money, knowing how to invest in the right place, knowing how to preserve their money and not falling into the trap of financial investment fraud. The program's organizers also hope to inspire and instill a passion for financial investment in students, making large projects develop, contributing to the development of the country.

Ong Pham Quoc Thang, Pho Tong Bien tap Thoi bao VTV. Anh: Ban to chuc
Mr. Pham Quoc Thang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of VTV Times. Photo: Organizing Committee
Vân Trang

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