EQuest Leadership Excellence Scholarship: Investing in People - Investing in the Future

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Always considering people as the most valuable asset, EQuest Education Group always has policies to attract talented people, along with strong investment strategies in human resources to create a solid foundation. EQuest has signed a cooperation agreement with Keiser University (KU) - the largest non-profit university in Florida, USA to award 20 scholarships each year worth 80% of tuition fees for Master's and Doctoral degrees for EQuest Group's management staff.

This important cooperation has helped open up many opportunities to access world-class education, to improve the capacity, skills and knowledge of the leadership team, contributing positively to the sustainable development of the Group.

10 billion/year scholarship for EQuest leaders

The “EQuest Leadership Excellence Scholarship Program” is for leaders at level 5+ (from manager/department head level and above) with at least 03 years of working experience at EQuest and its member units, including 1 year in a management position, and with outstanding contributions to assigned projects or tasks.

This is an opportunity for potential leaders and managers of EQuest to improve their professional knowledge, experience and access international education quality at a reasonable cost. In particular, with KU's flexible training orientation, the program creates conditions for learners to proactively arrange their time, balancing life, work and study. Students can study in Vietnam and receive a degree equivalent to students studying in Florida, USA.

At EQuest, talent is always considered the most valuable asset.
At EQuest, talent is always considered the most valuable asset.

The program will award 20 scholarships each year for Master's and Doctoral degrees at Keiser University, with scholarships worth up to 80% of tuition fees. The total funding from EQuest and KU for the program is up to 10 billion VND/year.

“We believe that investing in people is investing in the future,” said Nguyen Quoc Toan, Chairman of EQuest Group. “This scholarship program is an important step in building a comprehensive team of talented leaders who are able to adapt to global change and lead the company to sustainable development.”

Speaking about this strategic cooperation, Dr. Arthur Keiser (President of Keiser University) shared: “For this training cooperation program, we hope that students from EQuest will not only participate in the educational journey at KU, but after graduation, they will become future leaders of Vietnam, actively contributing to the development of the country.”

The “EQuest Outstanding Leadership Scholarship” is not simply a reward for outstanding achievements, but also a sustainable investment with a long-term strategic vision. By accompanying and supporting financially as well as providing necessary resources, EQuest demonstrates its strong determination in its aspiration to create generations of talented managers and leaders, not only contributing to the organization, but also contributing to society and the community.

The total funding from EQuest and KU for the “EQuest Outstanding Leadership Scholarship” program is up to 10 billion VND/year.
The total funding from EQuest and KU for the “EQuest Outstanding Leadership Scholarship” program is up to 10 billion VND/year.

EQuest and sustainable development strategy

Talking about the values ​​of talent, Mr. David Armstrong (Vice President of EQuest) emphasized: “For EQuest, nothing is more important than talent. Our organization is built on people and talent, which is also the core of education”.

In the journey of development, EQuest has placed deep trust in its human resources, considering them the foundation and core for all achievements. Right from the early days of establishment, the leadership team has clearly recognized the power of "talents" - individuals who possess both moral qualities and outstanding abilities.

In addition to continuously having a strategy to attract and recruit talent, EQuest also constantly creates a positive working environment, where each individual is encouraged to maximize their potential. The Group always provides strong support for the development of each individual, creating overall strength, contributing to building a strong organization, making positive contributions to society, and joining hands to build a bright educational future for Vietnam.

EQuest Selected as “Best Workplace in Asia” at HR Asia Award 2024
EQuest Selected as “Best Workplace in Asia” at HR Asia Award 2024

In August 2024, EQuest continued to affirm its position as one of the No. 1 corporations in terms of remuneration policies with the "Best Workplace in Asia" Award at the HR Asia Award 2024. The award is a testament to EQuest's continuous efforts in building and improving attractive welfare policies, along with supporting and encouraging employees to best develop their personal capacity.


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Mỹ Phụng |

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