iSMART and the journey of "extending love": Lighting up the dream of going to school

Minh Phương |

“One Drawing, One Heart” is a social responsibility project organized by iSMART in September 2024. The program has shown timely concern for disadvantaged students across the country, especially those in the North heavily affected by Typhoon Yagi, helping them to light up their dream of going to school.

In September, the first month of the 2024-2025 school year, instead of the excitement and enthusiasm of the school year like every year, all over the country, natural disasters and floods caused great damage to infrastructure. In the North, many roofs collapsed, many schools were deeply flooded and damaged, and many children could not go to school. In particular, this made the Mid-Autumn Festival this year even more difficult for children in the North to enjoy.

News of storms, floods, and landslides is everywhere. Sharing the difficulties of children across the country, teachers, parents, and students at iSMART have joined hands to help children in difficult circumstances. Many activities and practical programs have been called for to help ease the pain and give children more motivation to overcome difficulties and continue to nurture their dream of going to school.

Throughout the development journey, not only equipping students with knowledge, iSMART also focuses on comprehensive development, cultivating compassion and a sense of responsibility to society, hoping to create a young generation that is both talented and kind-hearted, ready to build a sustainable future.

Ms. Mai Thi Loan, Principal of Le Dinh Chinh Primary School (Dak Lak) on behalf of students received health insurance card sponsorship from iSMART Representative.

Journey to bring gifts from the heart to the regions

iSMART's journey of giving love started on September 13, 2024 in Ea Kar District, Dak Lak Province. iSMART teachers and students also gave more than 1,000 gifts including books and essential school supplies to the children here in the program "Mid-Autumn Festival for Children". In particular, iSMART Dak Lak also gave health insurance cards to the students here, demonstrating iSMART's deep concern for community health.

In addition to the gifts, iSMART and the benefactors also brought a meaningful Mid-Autumn Festival through loving lanterns and special performances at Le Dinh Chinh Primary School and Huong Duong Kindergarten. This event is not only an opportunity for children to have fun but also an opportunity for them to feel the love and care of the community.

Next, iSMART had the opportunity to visit and give gifts to hundreds of students at schools including Le Quy Don Primary School, Chu Van An Primary School, Le Van Tam Primary School, Bui Thi Xuan Primary School, Nguyen Binh Khiem Primary School, Kim Hong Secondary School in Dong Thap Province. Practical gifts such as backpacks, notebooks, etc. were sent by iSMART to students in difficult circumstances. In addition, iSMART also coordinated with the school to bring many fun activities and display paintings to help students have a more complete and meaningful Mid-Autumn Festival.

iSMART will continue to "extend" the journey of love to disadvantaged students in Hanoi, including students in the mountainous area of ​​Mu Cang Chai (Yen Bai). In addition to practical gifts for the new school year such as backpacks, school supplies,... iSMART will hand over bicycles to students in special circumstances as a practical gift, lighting up hope and adding motivation for them to overcome difficulties and confidently go to school.

"One Painting, One Heart" - A Place to Nurture "Champions"

"A drawing, A heart" is a meaningful project launched by iSMART, with the message "Draw the gift you want to give to disadvantaged students in the Mid-Autumn Festival 2024". The project is carried out in parallel with two main activities: the minigame of drawing and giving Mid-Autumn gifts, in which more than 1,000 paintings with meaningful wishes were sent to iSMART by students across the country.

Tranh ve kem loi chuc cua cac em hoc sinh Dong Thap duoc trung bay
Paintings with wishes from Dong Thap students on display

Through "A drawing, A heart", iSMART not only has the opportunity to give practical gifts to difficult circumstances but also sows the seeds of love, empathy and responsibility - qualities that iSMART always aims for in each student. Principal of Le Dinh Chinh Primary School (Cu Prong Commune, Ea Kar District, Dak Lak Province), Ms. Mai Thi Loan, shared: "Students at the school still have many difficulties in learning equipment and health check-up needs. We are very happy to receive attention from leaders at all levels, iSMART and benefactors". She also expressed hope for similar activities in the future, helping more students in difficult circumstances.

"One Drawing, One Heart" has come to an end, leaving a positive impression in the community. Through these meaningful activities, iSMART not only brings joy to disadvantaged children but also contributes to nurturing the spirit of "Champion" - talented and compassionate people in each student. These small but loving activities are proof of iSMART's commitment to social responsibility in continuing to bring meaningful gifts to disadvantaged children, contributing to bringing them a bright future.

Minh Phương

Học bổng lãnh đạo EQuest xuất sắc: Đầu tư vào con người - đầu tư cho tương lai

PV |

Luôn coi con người là tài sản quý giá nhất, Tập đoàn Giáo dục EQuest luôn có những chính sách cầu hiền, cùng với những chiến lược đầu tư mạnh mẽ vào nhân sự để tạo nên một nền tảng vững chắc. EQuest đã ký kết hợp tác với Đại học Keiser (K.U) - Trường đại học phi lợi nhuận lớn nhất ở Florida, Hoa Kỳ để trao 20 suất học bổng mỗi năm trị giá 80% học phí cấp Thạc sĩ, Tiến sĩ cho nhân sự cấp quản lý tập đoàn EQuest.

Tập đoàn EQuest được vinh danh "Nơi làm việc tốt nhất châu Á 2024"

Mỹ Phụng |

Tập đoàn Giáo dục EQuest được vinh danh là một trong những "Nơi làm việc tốt nhất châu Á" (Best Companies To Work For In Asia) tại lễ trao giải HR Asia Awards 2024. Giải thưởng là sự ghi nhận cho những nỗ lực không ngừng của EQuest trong việc xây dựng một môi trường làm việc tích cực, sáng tạo và nhân văn, nơi mà mọi nhân viên đều cảm thấy được tôn trọng, lắng nghe và được tạo điều kiện để phát triển tốt nhất.

EQuest tiên phong kết nối sinh viên và nhà trường

Mỹ Phụng |

Cuộc thi Giải pháp sáng tạo EQuest EXEL do Tập đoàn Giáo dục EQuest tổ chức đã thu hút sự tham gia của đông đảo sinh viên các trường Cao đẳng, Đại học. Đặc biệt, nhiều giải pháp đã được triển khai thực tế và thu được những kết quả đáng khích lệ. Điều này cho thấy, sinh viên ngày nay đang được trao quyền và chủ động sáng tạo ngay từ khi còn đi học.

PGS Đặng Bích Hà an nghỉ bên Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến


Quảng Bình - Sáng 29.9, lễ an táng PGS Đặng Bích Hà - Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp được tổ chức tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến.

Sạt lở 300m trên QL2, vùi lấp người và nhiều phương tiện

Nguyễn Hoàn |

Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở đất nghiêm trọng trên tuyến Quốc lộ 2 đoạn qua huyện Bắc Quang khiến 11 người bị thương và mất tích, nhiều phương tiện bị cuốn trôi.

Cầu thủ Việt là nạn nhân của trò đùa trên mạng xã hội


Trước Công Phượng, nhiều cầu thủ như Quang Hải, Văn Hậu hay Văn Toàn từng là nạn nhân của các trò đùa trên mạng xã hội sau khi xuất ngoại thất bại.

Cây mai cổ xù kỳ mỹ ở Kiên Giang xác lập kỷ lục Việt Nam


Kiên Giang - Cổ xù kỳ mỹ là cây mai vàng kiểng cổ, xù chảy toàn thân, dáng trực một cốt đạt giá trị độc bản tại Việt Nam.

Điều chuyển 2 sư đoàn bộ binh của Quân đoàn 4

Lam Duy |

Sư đoàn bộ binh 7 và Sư đoàn bộ binh 309 sẽ được điều chuyển từ Quân đoàn 4 về Quân khu 7.

EQuest Leadership Excellence Scholarship: Investing in People - Investing in the Future

PV |

Always considering people as the most valuable asset, EQuest Education Group always has policies to attract talented people, along with strong investment strategies in human resources to create a solid foundation. EQuest has signed a cooperation agreement with Keiser University (KU) - the largest non-profit university in Florida, USA to award 20 scholarships each year worth 80% of tuition fees for Master's and Doctoral degrees for EQuest Group's management staff.

EQuest Group was honored as "Best Place to Work in Asia 2024"

Mỹ Phụng |

EQuest Education Group was honored as one of the "Best Companies To Work For In Asia" at the HR Asia Awards 2024. The award is recognition for tireless efforts. EQuest strives to build a positive, creative and humane working environment, where every employee feels respected, listened to and given the best conditions to develop.

EQuest is a pioneer in connecting students and educational institutions

Mỹ Phụng |

The EQuest EXEL competition, organized by EQuest Education Group, has attracted a large number of students from colleges and universities. Notably, many solutions have been implemented in reality and achieved encouraging results. This indicates that students today are being empowered and actively creating innovative solutions even while still in school.