Nghe An cannot exempt tuition fees for high school students


Nghe An – Due to budget revenue not meeting spending needs, the province cannot exempt tuition fees for high school students.

On the afternoon of October 7, at the third quarter press conference organized by the People's Committee of Nghe An province, some journalists asked why Nghe An province has not yet exempted tuition fees for students, while some localities such as Quang Ninh province have exempted all tuition fees for students at all levels.

Responding to the above question, a representative of the Department of Finance of Nghe An province said that up to now, the province has not been able to balance its budget revenue and expenditure.

“Nghe An province’s budget revenue has not met its spending requirements, while Quang Ninh province has balanced its budget revenue and expenditure, and has also remitted it to the central budget. Therefore, Quang Ninh can decide to spend several hundred billion to implement tuition fee exemptions.

If Nghe An exempts all tuition fees for students, it will need about 460 billion VND, while the province still lacks many teachers and needs to recruit more.

"Because the budget has not been able to meet the demand, it is not possible to exempt or reduce tuition fees for students" - a representative of the Nghe An Province Department of Finance said.

According to the Department of Planning and Investment of Nghe An province, in the first 9 months of 2024, the province's state budget revenue reached 16,671 billion VND, reaching 104.8% of the estimate, equal to 143.2% over the same period in 2023. Local budget expenditure was 24,188 billion VND.

Since the beginning of the year, the province has granted new licenses to 58 projects and adjusted 119 projects; the total newly granted and adjusted capital is 35,541.3 billion VND. There are 1,533 newly established enterprises with a total registered capital of 17,306 billion VND, an increase of 29.69%.

Up to now, the total public investment plan of the whole province has disbursed 5,022 billion VND, reaching 54.14%; of which, the concentrated public investment capital managed by the province has disbursed 2,322,009 billion VND, reaching 48.09%.


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