In the 2025-2026 school year, Tran Dai Nghia Secondary and High School said that it plans to enroll 285 students in grade 10.
Of which, there are 4 regular 10 classes with 180 students and 3 integrated English classes with 105 students. Compared to the 2024-2025 school year, the enrollment target this year will increase by 80 students.
Tran Dai Nghia Secondary and High School was established in May 2024, separated from Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted.
Currently, the school has 32 classrooms, all equipped with air conditioners, dining area, boarding, laboratory, art room, music room, badminton court, basketball, volleyball, pickleball.
In the 2025-2026 school year, the Department of Education and Training (DET) of Ho Chi Minh City said that at least about 70% of junior high school graduates will be admitted to grade 10 at public high schools.
This year, the enrollment quota for grade 10 will be based on the material conditions, teaching staff... of public high schools, not based on the orientation of students transferring after secondary school as in previous years.
In previous years, the enrollment quota for grade 10 public schools was only about 65%.
According to the annual plan, in April, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City will announce the enrollment quota for each public high school.
This year's 10th grade exam in Ho Chi Minh City will take place on June 6-7, 2025. Candidates take the exam with 3 subjects, including: Math, Literature (120 minutes/subject) and Foreign Language (90 minutes).
Candidates who register to take the exam to enter specialized high schools in the city must take the fourth subject (specialized subject) with a time of 150 minutes/subject. Each major has its own exam subject according to the junior high school subject program, the exam content ensures the selection of students with talent in that major.