Accordingly, voters said that currently, the traffic volume of vehicles transporting materials for the North-South expressway project on the provincial road is very large, damaging the road surface, causing many places to collapse and sink, posing a danger to people participating in traffic.
Voters recommend that the Ministry of Transport, Project Management Board 85 and contractors promptly inspect and repair damaged areas before the rainy and flood season to ensure traffic safety.
Responding to this issue, the Ministry of Transport said that, according to the investor's report, in the past time, the investor, supervision consultants and construction contractors have coordinated with the Traffic Safety Committee, the Department of Transport, the Road Maintenance Management Board of Binh Dinh province and the People's Committees of relevant districts, towns, communes and wards to organize inspections and reviews of local routes used to transport materials for the construction of expressway projects and direct construction contractors to promptly repair and remedy damage to ensure traffic safety and environmental sanitation in the area according to regulations.
However, the project is currently under construction, and contractors are still using local roads to transport construction materials and equipment, so local damages have only been repaired and cannot be repaired or returned according to regulations.
"In response to voters' feedback, the Ministry of Transport will direct investors, consultants and contractors to continue to closely coordinate with functional agencies and local authorities, regularly inspect the scene to promptly repair and overcome damage on local roads during construction. Immediately after completing the transportation of construction materials and equipment, the Ministry of Transport will request investors, consultants and contractors to organize the return and repair of roads in accordance with regulations, ensuring convenient and safe travel and traffic for people," the Ministry of Transport affirmed.
The Ministry of Transport added that in the process of implementing the North-South Expressway component projects through Binh Dinh province, the Ministry of Transport has thoroughly grasped and directed investors, contractors, consultants, and related units to strictly implement the provisions of the signed construction contracts, relevant legal regulations, and based on the actual process of using local routes to transport construction materials for the construction of the expressway.
Units coordinate with localities to review and confirm the damage status, the contractor's responsibility for repair and restoration of local roads used by the contractor; immediately deploy the repair and restoration of affected local roads. At the same time, the process of transporting materials must ensure regulations on load, speed, traffic safety and environmental sanitation.