Bac A Bank received the outstanding bank award for green credit for two consecutive years

Trà My |

With a business philosophy oriented towards sustainable development values, Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Bac A Bank) was honored as "Outstanding Bank in Green Credit" within the framework of the "Banking Awards". Vietnam Outstanding Banking Awards 2024" jointly organized by IDG International Data Group and Vietnam Banking Association.

This is the second consecutive year that Bac A Bank has been honored in the award category for units and financial institutions with policies and products aimed at environmentally friendly businesses and projects. sustainable development.

During 30 years of being steadfast in accompanying businesses in the field of social security, Bac A Bank prioritizes investment consulting and credit granting for projects with sustainable development and impact. Positive for the environment and creating livelihoods for local people.

Accordingly, Bac A Bank is currently implementing a number of specific products for individuals and businesses in the field of high-tech agriculture such as: Personal credit products for agricultural production loans for growing vegetables and flowers. , fruit and Loans for planting and caring for industrial crops; Providing credit to Cooperatives, Cooperative Unions, and product packages to finance high-tech agricultural production enterprises; Granting credit to businesses producing Rice and Coffee.

Besides, there are indispensable endemic products for customer groups in the fields of Health - Education, Medicinal Materials, etc., typically the project of growing and extracting clean medicinal herbs in Muong Long, Nghe An; TH School project in Hanoi and Vinh;…

Bac A Bank is the Outstanding Bank for Green Credit in 2024. Photo: Bac A Bank
Bac A Bank is the Outstanding Bank for Green Credit in 2024. Photo: Bac A Bank

Especially in 2024, Bac A Bank is implementing two credit incentive programs to celebrate its 30th anniversary and both focus on green credit with competitive interest rates from only 4%/year (for individual customers) and 5%/year (for corporate customers).

“Because people are the core value that Bac A Bank has always set in its business development goals since the first day of its establishment. Therefore, we wish to accompany businesses in the fields of social security, for the community, for a prosperous and happy society.

In two credit programs on the occasion of our 30th anniversary, we offer extremely competitive preferential interest rates as a commitment from the Bank to like-minded corporate and individual customers.” , representative of Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank said.

Bac A Bank's two most attractive credit programs in 2024 are both aimed at green credit. Photo: Bac A Bank
Bac A Bank's two most attractive credit programs in 2024 are both aimed at green credit. Photo: Bac A Bank

Associated with the United Nations' sustainable development goals, Green Credit is a "hot" issue and is gradually becoming an inevitable trend in the context of the world's transition from a linear economic model to an economic model. cyclic.

Accordingly, businesses and individuals who have access to green capital will enjoy incentives from policy mechanisms and credit packages of banks, contributing to creating a green and sustainable economy.

“As one of the pioneers in opening up green credit sources, Bac A Bank has many years of experience in building and implementing products and incentive programs for businesses and individuals in the agricultural sector. high-tech industry.

At the same time, Bac A Bank also builds an appraisal process that focuses on project factors that can impact the natural environment and social security in the process of making investment consulting and credit granting decisions.

In addition, appraisal officers also regularly evaluate the effectiveness of project implementation in terms of environmental friendliness, supplementing and perfecting product packages serving "green credit" to meet maximum needs. expansion and development of businesses", Mr. Chu Nguyen Binh, Deputy General Director of Bac A Bank shared about green credit activities during the award ceremony.

“Typical projects include TH Group's projects with a strategy of focusing on applying high technology, science and technology and management science interwoven together to create products with high output and quality. outstanding quality, towards sustainable development and for public health".

Photo: Bac A Bank
Photo: Bac A Bank

With successful practical implementation experiences, Bac A Bank deserves to receive high trust from the Voting Council to continue receiving the "Outstanding Bank for Green Credit 2024" award.

"Vietnam Outstanding Banking Awards" is organized by IDG International Data Group in parallel with the series of events Vietnam Retail Banking Forum - Vietnam Retail Banking Forum under the auspices of Vietnam Banking Association is a prestigious award with more than 10 years of development.

The award aims to find and honor banks and service providers in the banking and finance sector that have had outstanding activities and typical contributions to the development of the banking and finance industry. Vietnam itself.

Trà My

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Nhóm phóng viên |

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Mai An |

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