Besides Phong Chau bridge, Phu Tho has many weak bridges

Bài và Ảnh: Tô Công |

Phu Tho - Many bridges on provincial roads are old and weak but have not been repaired for many years, and still carry countless series of heavy-duty trucks every day.

Vu sap cau Phong Chau sang ngay 9.9 da khien 8 nguoi va phuong tien mat tich, giao thong gian doan, cong tac khac phuc tieu ton nhieu nhan luc va tien cua, nhung thiet hai cua tinh Phu Tho vi su co nay la rat lon. Anh: To Cong.
The Phong Chau bridge collapse on the morning of September 9 left 8 people and vehicles missing, disrupted traffic, and cost a lot of manpower and money to repair. The damage to Phu Tho province due to this incident was enormous.
Cho den thoi diem hien tai, du cac luc luong chuc nang da rat no luc, ngay dem tim kiem nhung van con 4 nguoi chua duoc tim thay. Anh: To Cong
Up to now, there are still 4 missing people who have not been found.
Sau khi cau Phong Chau bi sap, Phu Tho da han che phuong tien tren 2 cay cau lon khac la cau Trung Ha tren Quoc lo 32 (noi huyen Tam Nong, tinh Phu Tho voi huyen Ba Vi, thanh pho Ha Noi), cau Tu My tren Quoc lo 32C (noi huyen Tam Nong voi huyen Cam Khe, tinh Phu Tho) -  ca 2 cay cau truoc do do dang viec sua chua. Anh: To Cong.
After Phong Chau bridge collapsed, Phu Tho restricted traffic on two other large bridges in Tam Nong district, Trung Ha bridge and Tu My bridge - both bridges are under repair.
Tuy nhien, tren dia ban tinh Phu Tho hien tai con rat nhieu cay cau khac tren cac tuyen tinh lo da cu, yeu do nhieu nam chua duoc sua chua, nang cap. Anh: To Cong.
However, in Phu Tho province, there are currently many other bridges on provincial roads that are old and weak due to not being repaired or upgraded for many years.
Khi cau Phong Chau sap, cau Trung Ha va cau Tu My gioi han phuong tien, gan nhu tat ca cac xe oto tai tai huyen Tam Nong, Thanh Thuy, Thanh Son, Tan Son... cua tinh Phu Tho muon sang song phai di qua cau Ngoc Thap tai thi xa Phu Tho. Ap luc tai trong doi voi cay cau lon, co ket cau be tong cot thep va be tong cot thep du ung luc moi chi co tuoi doi tren 13 nam nay khong dang ngai, nhung voi mot so cay cau lan can tren cac tuyen tinh lo thi nguoc lai.
Unable to cross the three bridges mentioned above, almost all trucks in Tam Nong district and neighboring areas that want to cross the river must go through Ngoc Thap bridge (Phu Tho town). Ngoc Thap bridge has a reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete structure that is 13 years old, so vehicles moving through here are not a concern, but the opposite is true for some other bridges.
Do la cau Tu Cuong tren tuyen duong tinh 315 tai xa Van Xuan, huyen Tam Nong va cau Tay tren duong tinh 325 thuoc dia phan xa Tien Kien, huyen Lam Thao, ca 2 deu dang gioi han tai trong duoi 13 tan. Trong 2 cay cau nay, ap luc tai trong doi voi cau Tay la lon hon ca, vi trong thoi diem nay, rat dong xe tai tu cau Ngoc Thap qua xa Tien Kien de di thanh pho Viet Tri.
These are Tu Cuong bridge on provincial road 315 in Van Xuan commune, Tam Nong district and Tay bridge on provincial road 325 in Tien Kien commune, Lam Thao district, both of which are currently banning vehicles over 13 tons. Of these two bridges, the load pressure on Tay bridge is the greatest, because at present, there are many trucks from Ngoc Thap bridge through Tien Kien commune to go to Viet Tri city.
Voi nhung cay cau khac nhu cay cau Trang tren duong tinh 323 thuoc dia phan xa An Dao, huyen Phu Ninh, du khong anh huong tu vu sap cau Phong Chau, nhung voi vi tri nam tren tuyen duong de song Lo noi co hang loat ben cang, ben thuy noi dia doc song, thuong ngay van phai oan minh “cong” rat nhieu luot xe tai co lon, xe dau keo.
With other bridges such as the Trang Bridge on Provincial Road 323 in An Dao Commune, Phu Ninh District, which has signs prohibiting vehicles over 13 tons, although not affected by the Phong Chau Bridge collapse, but with its location on the Lo River dike where there are a series of ports and inland waterways, it still has to carry many large trucks and tractor trailers every day.
Theo ong Le Xuan Truong - nguoi dan sinh song gan cau Trang, cay cau nay da duoc xay dung tu rat lau, thoi diem xay cau, cau va duong dong bo, luong phuong tien qua lai cung khong dong duc nhu bay gio. The nhung, trai qua thoi gian, cau van vay, trong khi duong duoc sua chua, nang cap, nen cau da tro nen cu ky, lac hau so voi duong.
According to Mr. Le Xuan Truong - a resident living near the White Bridge, the bridge was built around 1979, at that time the bridge and the road were synchronized. However, over time, the bridge remained the same, while the road was repaired and upgraded, so the bridge became old and outdated compared to the road.
Mot cay cau khac cung rat quan trong la cau Luong Nha noi 2 huyen Thanh Thuy va Thanh Son (tinh Phu Tho) tren duong tinh 317. Cay cau nay co tuoi doi gan 30 nam nay da hu hong, xuong cap, trong tai gioi han duoi 10 tan. Sau su co sap cau Phong Chau, cau Luong Nha da cam toan bo cac loai oto.
Luong Nha bridge connecting Thanh Thuy and Thanh Son districts on provincial road 317 is currently damaged and degraded, with a load limit of less than 10 tons. After the Phong Chau bridge collapse, Luong Nha bridge has banned all types of cars.
Theo So Giao thong van tai tinh Phu Tho, tren cac tuyen duong tinh hien co 18 cay cau yeu. Rieng voi cau Luong Nha, so nay da nghi UBND tinh Phu Tho cho phep trien khai lap bao cao de xuat chu truong dau tu du an xay cau moi.
According to the recent Report No. 2909/SGTVT-QLBT of the Department of Transport of Phu Tho province, there are currently 18 weak bridges on provincial roads.
Theo do, qua ra soat cho thay hien tai co 18 cay cau yeu can duoc sua chua, nang cap. Da phan, cac cau nay deu duoc xay dung tu rat lau, tai trong khai thac thap, khong dong bo voi tai trong duong theo tieu chuan hien hanh, mac du da duoc han che tai trong tu nhieu nam nhung van chua duoc sua chua, nang cao tai trong khai thac.
Most of the bridges were built a long time ago, have low operating loads, are not in sync with current road standards, and although the load capacity has been limited for many years, they have not been repaired or improved to increase their load capacity. Along with that, the increasing density of vehicles, heavy loads, increase the rate of damage, affect the main load-bearing structure, and potentially cause traffic safety risks.
Vi vay, So Giao thong van tai de nghi UBND tinh Phu Tho xem xet, som bo tri nguon luc trien khai ngay cong tac kiem dinh va danh gia an toan cau tren he thong duong tinh; lap dung khung khong che chieu cao doi voi 18 cau yeu de han che xe trong tai lon; dau tu cai tao mot so cau tren cac tuyen duong tinh va xay moi cau Luong Nha.
Therefore, the Department of Transport proposed that the People's Committee of Phu Tho province consider and promptly allocate resources to immediately implement the work of inspecting and assessing the safety of bridges on the provincial road system; install height control frames for 18 weak bridges to limit heavy-duty vehicles; invest in renovating a number of bridges on provincial roads and build a new Luong Nha bridge.
Bài và Ảnh: Tô Công

Adjusting the operating hours of Phong Chau pontoon bridge


Phu Tho - According to the people's wishes, the authorities will adjust the operating hours of Phong Chau pontoon bridge during the day.

Returning to Phong Chau Bridge - exactly 1 month after the disaster


Phu Tho - Exactly one month after the Phong Chau bridge collapse, authorities are still trying to search and salvage people and vehicles from the river.

District in trouble because Phong Chau bridge collapsed, 2 other bridges are being repaired


Phu Tho - Tam Nong district was heavily affected by the collapse of Phong Chau bridge, while Trung Ha bridge and Tu My bridge had to limit traffic because they were under repair.

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Adjusting the operating hours of Phong Chau pontoon bridge

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - According to the people's wishes, the authorities will adjust the operating hours of Phong Chau pontoon bridge during the day.

Returning to Phong Chau Bridge - exactly 1 month after the disaster

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - Exactly one month after the Phong Chau bridge collapse, authorities are still trying to search and salvage people and vehicles from the river.

District in trouble because Phong Chau bridge collapsed, 2 other bridges are being repaired

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - Tam Nong district was heavily affected by the collapse of Phong Chau bridge, while Trung Ha bridge and Tu My bridge had to limit traffic because they were under repair.