Interest rate fluctuations August 17: Massive interest payments above 7.5% after interest rate increase

Mai Ánh |

Interest rates on August 17: The market recorded 12 banks increasing interest rates, with many banks paying interest over 7.5%/year with different deposit conditions.

A series of 12 banks increased interest rates

According to Lao Dong's records, as of August 17, the market recorded 12 banks increasing savings interest rates including: Eximbank, ACB, Agribank, Sacombank, Saigonbank, VietBank, TPBank, CBBank, VIB, Dong A Bank, VPBank, Techcombank.

Listed banks increased on average by 0.3 - 0.3 percentage points at all terms, especially at 6-month and 9-month terms; Some banks increased by 0.8 percentage points, for example Sacombank.

August interest rates recorded a major bank in the Big4 group increasing interest rates, Agribank. According to records, Agribank interest rates increased by 0.1 - 0.2 percentage points at all terms; currently fluctuates between 1.7 - 4.8%/year.

In contrast, the savings interest rate market in August also recorded 3 banks reducing savings interest rates.

ABBank's listing decreased by 0.1 - 0.3 percentage points in most terms; SeABank also listed a 0.25 percentage point reduction in interest rates at all terms; Bac A Bank interest rates also recorded a decrease of 0.1 - 0.2 percentage points.

(See more high interest rates HERE )

Where to deposit money to receive interest rates above 7.5%/year?

Dong A Bank is listing a special interest rate of 7.5%/year for customers who deposit terms of 13 months or more, with interest at the end of the term on deposits of 200 billion VND or more, for 365 days/year.

HDBank also listed special interest rates of 8.1%/year for a 13-month term and 7.7%/year for a 12-month term. Applicable to minimum savings of 500 billion VND or more/Savings card, does not apply to mobilization of interest at the beginning of the period or periodic interest.

Next is the interest rate of 9.5%/year listed at PVcomBank. PVcomBank customers will enjoy a special interest rate of 9.5%/year when having a newly opened deposit balance of VND 2,000 billion or more.

Details of deposit interest rates at banks, updated on August 17, 2024

Mai Ánh

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