The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes pilot plans for offshore wind power

Ánh Minh |

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has just submitted a report to the Government on the implementation of the pilot research project to develop offshore wind power ; including the investor selection plan.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed 3 options. Option 1 is to organize the selection of international investors. The Ministry of Industry and Trade assesses that choosing an international investor to pilot an offshore wind power project will be unfeasible due to current problems with the legal framework. .

Regarding option 2 of assigning to private economic groups, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said, according to the direction of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha: "Research the assignment of state-owned economic groups (PVN, EVN) or the Ministry of National Defense implements pilot projects".

With the plan to assign Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN), the Ministry of Industry and Trade believes that, with the advantage of offshore wind power, there will be a number of items and works similar to offshore oil and gas projects with the same database. Available materials (geotechnical, geophysical) of the oil and gas industry, facilities, and abundant, quality human resources, PVN and its member units will have certain advantages in power deployment. offshore wind; contributing to efficiency in using existing assets, contributing to the protection of national sovereignty over islands and seas, and exercising sovereign rights at sea.

However, assigning PVN to invest in offshore wind power also needs to be evaluated in accordance with the Party's policy on PVN's industry, profession, and business orientation. This content needs to continue to be clarified after receiving comments from ministries, branches, the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises and PVN.

Regarding the assignment of Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN), the Ministry of Industry and Trade stated that EVN is a Group with extensive experience in investing, managing and operating power plants and power transmission systems. Therefore, EVN will have certain advantages when taking advantage of its existing experience and capacity in deploying offshore wind power. However, this is a new field so it has different requirements than traditional power projects. In addition, assigning EVN to pilot investment also has certain advantages because it does not have to negotiate electricity prices (because EVN is also the unit buying and selling electricity).

This content continues to be clarified after receiving opinions from ministries, branches, the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises and EVN.

Regarding the assignment of units to the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said that this plan needs to be evaluated for compatibility with the Party's policies, as well as assessing feasibility after considering the capacity of the specific unit. under the Ministry of National Defense. This plan will continue to be clarified after the Ministry of Industry and Trade receives comments from the Ministry of Defense and other ministries and branches.

For option 3, the remaining investors are proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to be assigned to domestic private individuals for implementation. Regarding this plan, the Ministry of Industry and Trade assesses that, in recent times, the private sector has participated a lot in investment in the electricity sector. However, privately invested projects are often traditional power projects, solar power and wind power projects that are not large in scale. With current legal problems and offshore wind power being a new field, related to national defense and security, the Ministry of Industry and Trade believes that the private sector should not be assigned pilot investment without evaluation. Eliminate issues of national defense, security, prices, and legal problems.

According to recent research by the World Bank, wind energy in Vietnam has the greatest potential among the four countries in the region, with more than 39% of Vietnam's total area estimated to have a constant average wind speed. year greater than 6m/s at an altitude of 65m, equivalent to a capacity of 512 GW.

Ánh Minh

Người dân ở Gia Lai chặn xe chở cánh quạt điện gió


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Đường vào dự án điện gió ở Đắk Nông bị hư hỏng, xuống cấp nghiêm trọng


Trước đây, để thi công dự án điện gió, Công ty TNHH Điện gió Quang Minh Đắk Nông sử dụng nhiều xe chuyên dụng, có trọng tải lớn để vận chuyển trang thiết bị.

Rà soát dự án điện mặt trời, điện gió đang khắc phục vi phạm


Phó Thủ tướng yêu cầu rà soát, cập nhật vào kế hoạch các dự án điện mặt trời, điện gió đã và đang khắc phục những vi phạm, sai phạm theo kết luận thanh tra.

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Lục Giang |

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Bắt 2 đối tượng mua bán trái phép hơn 2,5 tấn xyanua ở TPHCM

Minh Tâm |

TPHCM - Ngày 18.9, Công an quận Bình Thạnh đã bắt giữ 2 đối tượng mua bán trái phép chất độc xyanua với khối lượng lớn ra thị trường.

Đường đi của áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh lên thành bão số 4


Chiều nay 18.9, cơ quan khí tượng của Việt Nam cho biết áp thấp nhiệt đới đang ở trên khu vực quần đảo Hoàng Sa; sắp mạnh lên thành bão.

Đường vào dự án điện gió ở Đắk Nông bị hư hỏng, xuống cấp nghiêm trọng


Trước đây, để thi công dự án điện gió, Công ty TNHH Điện gió Quang Minh Đắk Nông sử dụng nhiều xe chuyên dụng, có trọng tải lớn để vận chuyển trang thiết bị.

Rà soát dự án điện mặt trời, điện gió đang khắc phục vi phạm


Phó Thủ tướng yêu cầu rà soát, cập nhật vào kế hoạch các dự án điện mặt trời, điện gió đã và đang khắc phục những vi phạm, sai phạm theo kết luận thanh tra.