Policies to support people and businesses effectively and come to life

Minh Ánh - Bích Hà |

The Finance sector has actively innovated state budget management methods, ensuring economical, efficient and strict revenue and expenditure. The budget balance achieved positive results, public debt was controlled, making an important contribution to continuing to improve Vietnam's national credit rating.

Drastic action

Recently, the Finance industry has continued to promote the application and analysis of data from electronic invoices to better manage budget revenues. In particular, immediate and long-term measures and solutions have been drastically implemented according to the functions and tasks of each tax agency and each tax officer to strengthen tax management for e-commerce activities ( e-commerce) such as: Advising and submitting to the Government and the National Assembly to promulgate a number of legal documents on taxes to strengthen the legal basis for tax management of e-commerce activities, strengthening the responsibility of tax authorities. ministries, e-commerce platform owners; Organize propaganda and support in many diverse and effective forms, contributing to spreading the state's policies on developing healthy, competitive, and sustainable e-commerce on the basis of compliance with the law. state law. In the first 5 months of 2024, management revenue on the e-commerce platform is 1.8 million billion VND (approximately 71 billion USD), the amount of tax paid is about 50 trillion VND, an increase of 23% compared to the average tax amount in 5 months of 2023. .

In addition, the entire industry has proactively balanced and strictly controlled budget surpluses, strictly controlled public debt, and structured public debt in a sustainable manner, to maintain national financial security.

Another very important milestone in recent times is that the Finance sector has built a strong team of officials, both making policy and managing in each field such as tax collection, customs, etc. budget management, national assets, business management front, capital market, financial market... gradually meet the needs of integration.

3 consecutive years of exceeding state budget revenue (2021-2023) in difficult economic conditions due to the impact of the epidemic. People, businesses and the economy have been "reinvigorated" through a series of tax and fee support packages, showing that the Party and State's directions and decisions have come to life.

Many policies support people and businesses

Up to this point, the implementation of state finance and budget tasks (state budget) has passed more than halfway in 2024. Although the economic situation still faces many challenges, the results of project implementation State budget revenue in the first 6 months of this year has reached 1,038.1 trillion VND, equal to 61% of the estimate, up 17.7% over the same period in 2023.

Economic growth in the first half of the year achieved positive results, GDP increased by 6.42%, inflation in the first 6 months of the year increased by 4.08%. On average in the first 6 months of the year, core inflation only increased by 2.75% over the same period in 2023.

During the Conference to summarize the work of the first 6 months of the year and deploy the tasks of the last 6 months of the Ministry of Finance, Minister Ho Duc Phoc affirmed that those results were achieved thanks to the policies to support people and businesses. come into life.

Right from the beginning of the year, Minister Ho Duc Phoc directed drastic state budget revenue and expenditure tasks. Review revenue sources, strive to increase revenue in areas and fields with favorable conditions to offset revenue reduction due to the implementation of tax exemption and reduction policies. The Ministry of Finance has advised and proposed to the Government to submit to competent authorities and promulgate according to its authority policies to reduce and extend taxes, fees, charges and land rents for businesses and people on a large scale. about 184.86 trillion VND (including: reducing taxes, fees and charges about 92.3 trillion VND; extending taxes and land rent about 92.56 trillion VND). The results of implementing the policy of exemption and reduction of taxes, fees and charges in the first 6 months of the year reached about 47.3 trillion VND.

Not only stopping at promulgating policies, the Ministry of Finance continuously reviews and evaluates laws, decrees, and circulars, with problems, unreasonableness, overlapping issues, and special issues. Especially the case when people and businesses are in need and the economy is still facing difficulties.

Should enter a new cycle

When frankly admitted, at the Conference summarizing the first 6 months of the year and implementing tasks for the last 6 months of the year, the leader of the Finance industry said that in order to ensure the safety of public finances, in the coming time, we should enter the financial cycle. new period, implementing tightened fiscal policy. In the coming time, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of public finance, focusing on increasing investment in infrastructure and large projects with spillover effects, such as investment in ports and airports. Maintain tight fiscal policy to ensure public financial safety; have resources for implementing salary reform.

Minister Ho Duc Phoc emphasized that in the long term, more fundamental solutions are needed to support businesses, promote disbursement of public investment capital, to promote growth and develop businesses, thereby generating revenue for the state budget. .

Understanding the upcoming difficulties and challenges, many times, the leaders of the Ministry of Finance requested units to continue perfecting the legal framework and inspection mechanism to ensure the stable and safe operation of the market. finance, stock market, corporate bonds, to ensure the financial market develops transparently and effectively, attracting resources for development.

On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of Lao Dong Newspaper (August 14, 1929 - August 14, 2024), on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, I would like to send to all comrades warm congratulations and good wishes. the most beautiful.

95 years is a long way with many challenges and changes. Throughout that journey, Lao Dong Newspaper has continuously developed, always maintaining its pioneering role in transmitting information, honestly reflecting social life and protecting the rights of workers. The contributions of Lao Dong Newspaper not only contribute to building and developing Vietnam's revolutionary press but also make an important contribution to the work of building and protecting the Fatherland.

In the context of international integration and the strong development of information technology, Lao Dong Newspaper has been constantly innovating and applying technology to improve content quality, diversify media forms, meet the increasing needs of readers.

For the Finance industry and the Ministry of Finance, Lao Dong Newspaper plays an important role, being an information channel for the Finance industry to refer to and propose appropriate policies, especially policies related to the workforce. , workers.

I believe that, with its glorious tradition and spirit of innovation, Lao Dong Newspaper will continue to reap many successes, maintaining its position as one of the country's leading press agencies, always cooperating with others. practice and actively contribute to the country's socio-economic development, including the development of the Finance sector.

We respectfully wish you health, happiness and success.

Best regards,

Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Finance
Ho Duc Phoc

Minh Ánh - Bích Hà

Doanh nghiệp ngành xây dựng vẫn khó khăn, doanh thu lao dốc

Lục Giang |

Trong bối cảnh thị trường còn nhiều khó khăn, thách thức, tình hình kinh doanh tại nhiều doanh nghiệp ngành xây dựng khá ảm đạm với doanh thu giảm mạnh.

Đến lúc thắt chặt chính sách tài khóa, chuẩn bị nguồn lực cải cách tiền lương

Minh Ánh |

Bên cạnh việc biểu dương kết quả ngành tài chính trong 6 tháng đầu năm, Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính Hồ Đức Phớc cho biết, đã đến lúc cần phải thắt chặt điều hành chính sách tài khóa để tăng nguồn lực công đầu tư vào cơ sở hạ tầng, cải cách tiền lương.

Chính sách tài khóa hỗ trợ người dân, doanh nghiệp

Minh Ánh |

Việc giảm, giãn các loại thuế phí là những chính sách về tài khóa phần nào giúp doanh nghiệp có thêm điều kiện phục hồi sản xuất kinh doanh.

Ngắm mùa lúa chín ở Hà Giang vẹn nguyên sau bão lũ

Đan Thanh |

Không chịu ảnh hưởng nhiều sau bão số 3, ruộng bậc thang ở các huyện Vị Xuyên, Hoàng Su Phì đang vào mùa lúa chín đẹp, thu hút khách trở lại Hà Giang.

Điện Biên xuất hiện thêm cung trượt đe dọa nhiều hộ dân


Nhiều vết nứt tạo thành cung trượt lớn đang đe dọa nguy cơ mất an toàn đối với nhiều hộ dân tại TP Điện Biên Phủ, tỉnh Điện Biên.

Ngầm tràn ngập sâu, Quảng Bình cảnh báo dân không di chuyển


Do ảnh hưởng bão số 4, từ 7 giờ sáng 20.9, địa bàn tỉnh Quảng Bình vẫn còn nhiều ngầm tràn nước ngập sâu, chảy xiết và chia cắt cục bộ.

Bão số 4 Soulik suy yếu vẫn có thể tàn phá Thái Lan

Khánh Minh |

Bão số 4 Soulik dù đã suy yếu thành áp thấp nhưng dự kiến sẽ mang theo mưa lớn đến Thái Lan.

Ảnh hưởng thi công âu thuyền, nhà dân bị ngập sâu trong nước


Việc thi công công trình Âu thuyền Cái Khế đã khiến nhiều nhà dân tại TP Cần Thơ bị lún, nứt nghiêm trọng và ngập sâu trong nước.