Industrial enterprises supporting leather and footwear need to use green technology

Huyền Anh |

In the coming time, Vietnamese footwear industry enterprises need to focus on new and high-quality technology.

According to the Vietnam Leather, Footwear and Handbag Association (LEFASO), businesses must improve and innovate the quality of human resources as well as production facilities, especially the use of clean energy and green technology. only meets EU standards.

For the leather and footwear industry, shifting from producing traditional products to producing mid- and high-end products, popular and fashionable leather shoes and handbags. For products serving domestic demand, focus more on developing fashion models, researching and applying new materials, and paying attention to market demand research.

At many industry-related events, LEFASO has proposed that the State support the formation of industrial zones producing specialized supporting industry products for the leather and footwear industry, focusing on the production of leather and technical fabrics. techniques, accessories for making molds, soles... convenient for environmental protection and centralized production organization, developing supporting industry with appropriate practical mechanisms and policies. Furthermore, the starting point of enterprises producing ancillary products is still low, their weak capacity is hardly enough to meet very large orders...

Facing the goal of developing raw materials and accessories to serve the leather and footwear industry, Vietnam needs to have synchronization in mechanisms, policies, and solutions to attract investment from multinational corporations; connecting domestic enterprises to participate in the supply chain of raw materials for foreign-invested enterprises. The current leather and footwear industry follows constantly changing fashion trends, so it is necessary to develop a leather and footwear supporting industry in accordance with trends.

Some experts also believe that the State needs to support the formation of industrial parks to produce specialized supporting industry products for the leather and footwear industry, focusing on the production of leather, technical fabrics, mold-making accessories, soles... Convenient for environmental protection and centralized production organization, supporting industry development with appropriate practical mechanisms and policies.

Besides, in order to strive to promote the development of supporting industry, it is necessary to build, complete and deploy effectively and synchronously specific mechanisms and policies to develop priority supporting industry; continue to implement preferential interest rate policies for supporting industry enterprises...

Huyền Anh

Nguồn nguyên, phụ liệu ngành da giày vẫn phải nhập khẩu

Huyền Anh |

Phụ thuộc vào nguyên liệu nhập khẩu, đầu ra cho sản phẩm công nghiệp hỗ trợ (CNHT) ngành dệt may - da giày chưa bền vững… là một trong những nguyên nhân khiến CNHT lĩnh vực dệt may và da giày phát triển chưa như kỳ vọng.

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Nam Dương |

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Lao động ngành dệt may, da giày... mất việc vì thiếu đơn hàng


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Tô Công |

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Hoài Phương |

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Thanh Hóa khởi tố, bắt tạm giam 5 cán bộ huyện Quảng Xương

Trần Lâm |

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Giá vàng cao kỷ lục, chọn kênh đầu tư nào để tránh mạo hiểm?

Hoàng Xuyến - Việt Anh |

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Thanh Hà |

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