Muddy road, wholesale market vendors wait wearily for customers


Can Tho - Degraded traffic infrastructure combined with stormy weather has made the road leading to Can Tho's largest wholesale market muddy and dirty...

As a trader who has been associated with Tan An market (Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city) for nearly 20 years, Mr. Huynh Anh Phuong (41 years old) said that the purchasing power at this market is currently decreasing by about 70%, making many traders frustrated.

“Before, I sold about 200kg of pork per day, but now I only sell about 80kg. It's worth mentioning that sales are slow and the price is not good either,” Mr. Phuong shook his head and said.

Tuyen duong dan vao cho Tan An xuong cap, anh huong den viec buon ban cua tieu thuong. Anh: My Ly
The road leading to Tan An wholesale market is degraded, affecting the trading of small traders. Photo: My Ly

This trader said that pork is an essential commodity, but its consumption has decreased significantly, and sales are slowing down every day. Meanwhile, employee salaries, fees, taxes, etc. must still be maintained, causing him to lose money.

As for retailer Nguyen Thi Hue Huong, if before she only sold 100kg of fruit from morning to noon, now she can sell all day without running out. "Only on the 15th or 1st of the month do regular customers come to buy fruit for offerings, otherwise sales are very slow," said Ms. Huong.

Surveying around Tan An market, many traders are in the same situation, complaining about slow business and just sitting and waiting for customers.

According to local traders, the reason for the sluggish business is not only due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but over the years, the road leading to Tan An market has been damaged and seriously degraded.

“This road is very dirty and muddy, so people do not dare to go to the market. Many people have even gone to the market but found the road slippery and full of puddles, so they were afraid to stop their vehicles to buy,” Ms. Huong explained.

Mua mua bao,
During the rainy season, the road becomes slippery and full of puddles, making it difficult to travel. Photo: My Ly

For about a month now, the road has been under construction for repair and upgrading. According to the reporter, workers are currently rushing to construct the sewer section, however, due to the high traffic density and heavy trade on the road, the construction is facing many difficulties.

Tuyen duong dang duoc nang cap nham dam bao an toan cho nguoi dan di chuyen va viec buon ban cua tieu thuong. Anh: My Ly
The road is being upgraded to ensure safety for people traveling and traders doing business. Photo: My Ly

Speaking with Lao Dong, Mr. Nguyen Minh Hieu - Technical Officer of Tuan Hien Company (project construction unit) - informed that the Project to Upgrade Hai Ba Trung Street (section from Guest House No. 2 to Phan Dinh Phung Street) and Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street started on September 9 and is expected to be completed in 230 days.

During the construction process, due to the high density of Tan An market area, especially during the rainy season and high tides, the construction of the unit's drainage system encountered many difficulties.

"The construction unit will try to quickly complete the project early, especially the section leading to Tan An market to avoid affecting people's trading activities," said Mr. Hieu.


Công nghiệp Cần Thơ khởi sắc, nhu cầu tuyển dụng tăng


Cần Thơ - Một số ngành sản xuất chủ lực tăng trưởng khá đã góp phần đưa chỉ số sản xuất công nghiệp 9 tháng năm 2024 tăng 8,02% so với cùng kỳ năm trước.

Chờ thoát cảnh nhếch nhác trước chợ đầu mối lớn nhất Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Tuyến đường dẫn vào chợ Tân An - chợ đầu mối lớn nhất Cần Thơ được nâng cấp khiến nhiều tiểu thương vui mừng, mong chờ buôn bán khởi sắc.

Cạnh tranh cao, xóm lưới Cần Thơ ngóng khách mùa nước nổi


Cần Thơ - Dù đã vào mùa nước nổi nhưng do sự cạnh tranh của thị trường, sức mua tại làng nghề đan lưới Thơm Rơm (quận Thốt Nốt) chỉ tăng nhẹ từ 10 - 15%.

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Ở bên mỏ cát, Quảng Ngãi vẫn thiếu cát trầm trọng

Viên Nguyễn |

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Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực thăm nhà máy ô tô đầu tiên của Quảng Ninh

Nguyễn Hùng |

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High competition, Can Tho fishing village waits for customers during flood season


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