High competition, Can Tho fishing village waits for customers during flood season


Can Tho - Although it is the flood season, due to market competition, purchasing power in Thom Rom net weaving village (Thot Not district) has only increased slightly by 10 - 15%.

Purchasing power increased slightly

Every year, when the flood season comes, fishing activities become more vibrant, leading to an increase in people's demand for fishing gear.

Coming to buy fishing gear at a production facility in Thom Rom net weaving village, Mr. Nguyen Van Hieu (O Mon district, Can Tho city) said that for about a month now, the water has been rising, people have a need to fish so they are looking to buy a lot of fishing gear.

Introduced by friends, Mr. Hieu went to Thom Rom craft village to import some fishing gear to sell for profit: "If the product quality and business are good, I will import and sell for a long time instead of just focusing on the flood season."

Ong Hieu den mua ngu cu tai lang nghe dan luoi Thom Rom. Anh: Ta Quang
Mr. Hieu came to buy fishing gear at Thom Rom net weaving village. Photo: Ta Quang

At Thom Rom net weaving village, these days, the production atmosphere is quite lively, workers are busy working to meet customer demand. However, according to some businesses, due to market competition, the consumption of products is only at a normal level or slightly increased.

Selling a variety of fishing gear products, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thuan - owner of a net production facility in Thom Rom craft village - shared that the flood season is often the time that businesses in the craft village look forward to the most because the products will be consumed faster and in greater quantities.

“During the flood season this year, products are selling quickly but the quantity is somewhat lower than previous years. There is only about 1 month left until the end of the flood season but purchasing power has only increased slightly by 10-15%. The reason is that there are many businesses and customers are distributed. As for me, thanks to a source of regular customers in the Western and Central provinces and abroad, the amount of goods sold is still stable,” Ms. Thuan shared.

Cac nhan cong ti mi lam ra cac san pham luoi. Anh: Ta Quang
Workers at Thom Rom net weaving village meticulously put lead into each piece of net. Photo: Ta Quang

Providing fishing gear all year round, Ms. Tran Thien An - owner of a net production facility in Thom Rom craft village - is expecting purchasing power to improve as the flood season nears its end.

“In previous years, people were coming and going, but this flood season, sales are only at a normal level. Now, there are many businesses, but the number of customers has decreased. I just hope that before the flood season ends, business will improve so that I can quickly recover my capital and make a profit,” Ms. An confided.

Establishment of Cooperative

Currently, Thom Rom net weaving village in Tan Hung ward (Thot Not district, Can Tho city) has 40 households participating in main production and 470 households participating in processing. Mr. Nguyen Chi Hieu - Vice Chairman of Tan Hung ward People's Committee - said that the net weaving village operates all year round but is busiest from the 7th to 9th lunar month due to the flood season.

UBND phuong Tan Hung dang van dong cac ho kinh doanh tai lang nghe dan luoi Thom Rom tham gia HTX. Anh: Ta Quang
Tan Hung Ward People's Committee is mobilizing business households in Thom Rom net weaving village to join the cooperative. Photo: Ta Quang

In recent times, the locality has regularly promoted and introduced loan programs and policies of the City People's Committee as well as encouraged the establishment of cooperatives to help maintain the craft village. However, because most establishments have their own customer base, they are quite hesitant to join cooperatives.

“In the future, the locality will coordinate with the Economic Department of Thot Not District and the Cooperative Union of Can Tho City to find solutions to mobilize people to participate in cooperatives. At the same time, the Ward People's Committee will continue to mobilize and guide businesses to register intellectual property as well as request support from functional agencies according to Decision No. 31/2022/QD-UBND dated October 6, 2022 of the City People's Committee "Regulations on policies to support the development of rural industries" so that craft village establishments can operate stably", Mr. Hieu informed.


Cần Thơ ngăn chặn nhập lậu tôm hùm giống từ nước ngoài


Cần Thơ - UBND TP Cần Thơ đã có văn bản chỉ đạo để ứng phó với tình trạng nhập lậu, vận chuyển trái phép tôm hùm giống từ nước ngoài vào Việt Nam.

Người dân xóm lưới ở Cần Thơ trông mong mùa nước nổi


Cần Thơ - "Năm nào, chúng tôi cũng mong mau đến mùa nước nổi để có việc làm nhiều, tăng thu nhập” -một nhân công tại làng nghề đan lưới Thơm Rơm bày tỏ.

Vá lành tấm lưới, lấp đầy thu nhập người lao động


Sóc Trăng - Từ công việc đan, vá lưới đã giúp nhiều lao động ở xứ biển Trần Đề có việc làm, thu nhập ổn định.

Sửa Luật Công đoàn phải phù hợp với thể chế chính trị

Bảo Hân - Hải Nguyễn |

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Phong Linh |

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Chiếm 2.800m2 đất, doanh nghiệp chỉ phải nộp 6,1 triệu đồng


Nghệ An - Xây dựng trái phép trên diện tích 2.800m2, một doanh nghiệp tại huyện Diễn Châu chỉ phải nộp ngân sách số tiền 6,1 triệu đồng.

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Tô Thế |

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Can Tho prevents illegal import of lobster seeds from abroad


Can Tho - The People's Committee of Can Tho City has issued a directive to respond to the situation of smuggling and illegal transportation of lobster seeds from foreign countries into Vietnam.

People in fishing village in Can Tho look forward to the flood season


Can Tho - "Every year, we look forward to the flood season so that we can have more work and increase our income" - a worker at Thom Rom net weaving village expressed.

Mending the net, filling the workers' income


Soc Trang - Net weaving and mending has helped many workers in the coastal area of ​​Tran De have jobs and stable income.