On October 31, 2024, in Hanoi, the State Bank of Vietnam held a ceremony to announce the Decision of the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam assigning the authority of Chief Inspector and Bank Supervisor to Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc. Attending the ceremony were Deputy Governor Pham Quang Dung, representatives of the Party Committee of the Central Bank (SBV), the Department of Organization and Personnel, the Board of Directors and key officials of the Banking Inspection and Supervision Agency (TTGSNH).
The representative of the Department of Personnel Organization announced the Decision of the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam on assigning the position of Chief Inspector and Bank Supervisor to Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc. Authorized by the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam, Deputy Governor Pham Quang Dung presented the decision and congratulated Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc on his new assignment, demonstrating the trust and confidence of the Party Committee and the State Bank of Vietnam's leadership in Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc.
Deputy Governor Pham Quang Dung affirmed that the SBV plays a very important role in ensuring the transparent and continuous operation of the banking sector. The scale of the current credit institution system is very large with total assets of more than 21 million billion VND, therefore, the task of inspecting and supervising credit institutions is very heavy.
The Deputy Governor requested and hoped that Acting Chief Inspector and Bank Supervisor Lai Huu Phuoc, in his new position, would promote his capacity and work experience, accompany the leaders and officers of the SBV; continue to train his mettle, improve his professional qualifications, perform well the leadership and direction work, build a united SBV, and perform well the tasks assigned by the Party Committee and SBV's Board of Directors.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc expressed his sincere thanks to the Party Committee, the SBV's Board of Directors, and Deputy Governor Pham Quang Dung for recognizing and entrusting him with the new responsibility. Mr. Phuoc said that this was an honor but also a very heavy responsibility, expressing his wish to continue receiving the attention and direction of the SBV's Board of Directors, the support and coordination of the SBV's units. Acting Chief Inspector and Banking Supervision Officer Lai Huu Phuoc expressed his thanks to all the leaders and staff of the SBV's Banking Supervision Agency since August 1, 2024, when Mr. Phuoc received the decision to work at the SBV's Banking Supervision Agency, for being very united, responsible and always supporting each other in their work.
Before working at the State Bank, Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc had 33 years of working experience, including 3 years working at a state-owned enterprise (1992 - 1995), 15 years working at the State Audit (1995 - 2010), holding the positions of auditor - chief auditor - Deputy Head of Department - Head of Department of the State Audit Department VII.
Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc has 15 years of experience working at the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Vietcombank (2010 to July 2024), having held the positions of Head of Internal Audit Department - Head of Internal Inspection Department - Head of Vietcombank Control Board. From August 1, 2024, Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc was accepted and appointed as Deputy Chief Inspector and Bank Supervisor of the Banking Inspection and Supervision Agency under the State Bank of Vietnam. From October 31, 2024, Mr. Lai Huu Phuoc is Acting Chief Inspector and Bank Supervisor.