Resolve difficulties and stimulate growth drivers

Phạm Đông |

To achieve the growth target of 6.5%-7% for the whole year 2024, experts and delegates believe that it is necessary to drastically implement policies on exemption, reduction, and extension of taxes, fees, and charges that have been issued; Supplement other appropriate policies to support businesses and promote growth.

Basis for achieving growth target of 7%

In the first half of 2024, Vietnam's economy grew by 6.42% GDP, far exceeding the 3.84% rate in the first half of last year. This positive result opens up a positive signal for the second half of this year. Vietnam's economic picture in the first half of the year has many bright colors, but to achieve the growth target of 6.5%-7% for the whole year 2024, the Government and related agencies still have a lot of work to do to transform the economy. solve difficulties and stimulate growth drivers.

In particular, 2024 is a "sprint" year, which is very important in successfully implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the National Assembly's Resolution on the 5-year socio-economic development plan 2021- 2025.

Commenting on the fulcrum of economic growth in the second half of the year, economic expert, Associate Professor Dr. Ngo Tri Long - former Director of the Institute of Price Market Research - pointed out that global inflation is continuing its cooling trend. , helping Vietnam reduce pressure from the inflation import channel. The major balances of the economy continue to ensure; Monetary policy is managed flexibly and cautiously with the priority goal of controlling inflation; Positive fiscal policy space contributes to solving difficulties and supporting domestic production, while creating conditions for monetary policy to cope with external shocks. On the other hand, policies to exempt, reduce, and extend taxes, fees, and land use fees in the last 6 months of the year contribute to reducing production costs and reducing prices of consumer goods and services. The Ministry of Planning and Investment is optimistic when it is expected that Vietnam will attract about 39-40 billion USD in FDI in 2024.

Focus on solving difficulties for businesses

Delegate Tran Hoang Ngan (Ho Chi Minh City Delegation) supported and highly appreciated the 11 solutions that the Government reported to the National Assembly at the 7th Session, especially the short-term solutions as we continue to continue to implement a controlled expansionary fiscal policy; flexible and effective monetary policy; Continue to submit to the National Assembly tax exemptions and reductions in land rental fees, with a 2% value added tax reduction in the immediate future. In addition, we continue to restructure debt, stabilize exchange rates, stabilize interest rates, and control inflation.

The delegate said that in order to recover the economy better, the National Assembly and the Government need to continue to support capital for the Bank for Social Policies so that there is capital to support jobs for workers and support for vulnerable subjects. This will also contribute to sustainable poverty reduction.

In recent years, despite many difficulties, budget revenue has still increased. Therefore, public debt has been reduced to 37% of GDP. Thus, we still have great room to continue using fiscal policy leverage to support businesses. Continuing to support businesses to recover and develop production and business is also the foundation for creating jobs for people.

In addition to continuing to support businesses , according to delegates, we need to consider a policy of building social housing for workers to rent. Accordingly, it is necessary to consider this as a public investment like we build dormitories for university students. Delegate Thach Phuoc Binh (Tra Vinh) proposed that the Government consider increasing capital sources for localities to implement loan programs to support employment, maintain and expand jobs.

Phạm Đông

Tăng tốc để đạt mục tiêu tăng trưởng tín dụng 15%

Đức Mạnh |

Tăng trưởng tín dụng 6 tháng đầu năm đạt 6%, vẫn còn cách khá xa mục tiêu 15% của cả năm 2024. Tuy nhiên, tốc độ cải thiện trong 2 tháng gần đây đã đặt ra kỳ vọng về khả năng hấp thụ vốn dần cải thiện.

Thị trường bất động sản tại Ninh Bình tăng trưởng trở lại


Những khó khăn về mặt pháp lý được tháo gỡ đã góp phần thúc đẩy thị trường bất động sản tại Ninh Bình tăng trưởng trở lại sau thời gian dài trầm lắng.

Đất nền miền Bắc tăng trưởng mạnh, dần lấy lại "phong độ"

Nhóm PV |

Đất nền miền Bắc đang là điểm sáng trên bức tranh toàn cảnh của thị trường đất nền toàn quốc.

Tăng trưởng kinh tế số Việt Nam cao gấp 3,5 lần tốc độ GDP


Kinh tế số Việt Nam năm 2022 tăng trưởng 28% và năm 2023 đạt 19%, cao gấp 3,5 lần tốc độ tăng trưởng GDP.

Nhiều kỳ vọng tăng trưởng GDP năm 2024 vượt 6,5%

Đức Mạnh |

Kết quả tăng trưởng kinh tế 6 tháng đầu năm đạt 6,42%, cao hơn mức tăng trưởng mục tiêu cận trên tại Nghị quyết 01 đề ra 5,5-6% là một dấu hiệu tích cực cho mục tiêu tăng trưởng cả năm 2024.

Đề nghị xem xét lại pháp lý vụ biệt thự “đẹp nhất Cà Mau”


Cà Mau - Trên cơ sở thẩm định của Sở Tư pháp, UBND tỉnh đề nghị xem xét lại các văn bản liên quan, xử lý đúng pháp luật.

Các suối nội ô TP Biên Hòa ô nhiễm cao, anion vượt 27 lần


Đồng Nai - Suối Linh có chất lượng nước kém nhất, phenol vượt 3,4 lần, chất hoạt động bề mặt anion vượt hơn 27 lần so ngưỡng bảo vệ sức khỏe con người.

Nữ doanh nhân chuyên hối lộ trong vụ án chuyến bay giải cứu

Việt Dũng |

Trong vụ án chuyến bay giải cứu giai đoạn 2, mặc dù không bị đề nghị truy tố, song sai phạm của bà Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hằng tiếp tục được đề cập.

Accelerating to achieve credit growth target of 15%

Đức Mạnh |

Credit growth in the first 6 months of the year reached 6%, still quite far from the target of 15% for the whole year 2024. However, the speed of improvement in the last 2 months has raised expectations for the ability to gradually absorb capital. improve.

The real estate market in Ninh Binh is growing again


The removal of legal difficulties has contributed to promoting the real estate market in Ninh Binh to grow again after a long period of quiet.

Northern land grows strongly, gradually regaining its "form"

Nhóm PV |

Northern land is a bright spot in the panorama of the national land market.

Vietnam's digital economic growth is 3.5 times faster than GDP


Vietnam 's digital economy will grow by 28% in 2022 and 19% in 2023, 3.5 times higher than the GDP growth rate.

Many expect GDP growth in 2024 to exceed 6.5%

Đức Mạnh |

Economic growth results in the first 6 months of the year reached 6.42%, higher than the upper target growth rate set in Resolution 01 of 5.5-6%, which is a positive sign for the whole year's growth target. 2024.