More than 1 billion USD of FDI capital registered to invest in Binh Duong


An additional 1 billion USD of foreign investment capital registered to invest in Binh Duong . The province is continuing to open more industrial parks, improving the environment to attract investment.

An additional 1 billion USD of foreign capital registered for investment in Binh Duong

Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee said that in July 2024, the province attracted 70 million USD of foreign investment capital , including 20 new projects and 8 projects to adjust capital increase, 11 capital contribution projects.

Cumulatively in the first 7 months of 2024, Binh Duong has attracted more than 1.065 billion USD. Among them, there are 110 new projects with a total investment capital of more than 487 million USD; 81 projects adjusted their capital to increase by more than 566 million USD; In addition, there are also projects registered to contribute capital and buy shares.

Thus, up to now, Binh Duong has 4,332 foreign investment projects with a total investment capital of 40.9 billion USD.

An additional 1 billion USD of FDI capital invested in Binh Duong. Photo: Dinh Trong
An additional 1 billion USD of FDI capital invested in Binh Duong. Photo: Dinh Trong

In addition to new projects, in the first 6 months of 2024, many investors continue to invest in new, more modern machinery lines, expand production and business factories to increase productivity. Recently, the world's largest jewelry company Pandora (Denmark) started construction on the Pandora Production Vietnam factory in VSIP 3 Industrial Park. This is Pandora's first factory built outside of Thailand, with a total investment capital of more than 150 million US dollars (about 3,800 billion VND).

This group said that the project is being implemented according to the proposed plan and assessed that the Binh Duong provincial government has created all favorable conditions for Pandora to implement the project. This group pledges to put the factory into operation on schedule, to create jobs for thousands of workers in the province.

Binh Duong opens more industrial parks to welcome investors. Photo: Dinh Trong
Binh Duong opens more industrial parks to welcome investors. Photo: Dinh Trong

Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee - said that for Binh Duong, in the economic development process, FDI enterprises are always a source of external resources with a special role and position. Therefore, Binh Duong always creates the most favorable conditions for FDI enterprises to operate effectively.

Selective investment for sustainable industrial development

Binh Duong is one of the industrial production centers of the country. The province has 28 industrial parks that have been put into operation and leased 7,000 hectares of land, with an occupancy rate of over 93%. The province also has 10 industrial clusters and thousands of factories located interspersed with residential areas. Operating factories have created jobs for over 1.2 million workers.

Currently, Binh Duong is upgrading existing industrial parks. Promote the development of green and smart industrial parks. Attracting foreign investment will also be more selective. Orientation to attract green production investment projects, minimize environmental impacts, use clean fuel...

Binh Duong increases the quality of FDI investment projects. Photo: Dinh Trong
Binh Duong increases the quality of FDI investment projects. Photo: Dinh Trong

Recently, the Prime Minister approved the planning of Binh Duong province for the period 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050. In particular, related to industrial development, Binh Duong continues to consider industry as the main growth driver. , focusing on modernizing existing industries.

Binh Duong province will gradually increase the localization rate in supporting industries and develop high-tech industries, participating in the global value chain. Developing modern, ecological industry, applying high technology; making the manufacturing and processing industry the main pillar of the economy.

The province also advocates modernizing and optimizing commercial efficiency for existing industries: focusing on Binh Duong industry groups that can master products and improve production efficiency through current solutions. Industrial modernization and solutions to optimize commercial efficiency.

Binh Duong will increase the localization rate by continuing to promote the development of supporting industries based on breakthrough mechanisms in terms of investor attraction methods, preferential policy institutions and supporting infrastructure. Aiming to have more and more products bearing the Binh Duong brand, with high competitive value in the international market.

Binh Duong develops transport infrastructure to welcome investors. Photo: Dinh Trong
Binh Duong develops transport infrastructure to welcome investors. Photo: Dinh Trong

Regarding specific goals, in the economic structure, by 2030, industry and construction account for 64%. 87% of workers will be trained to serve industrial and economic development. 100% of industrial solid waste and hazardous solid waste are collected and processed.

Develop transportation infrastructure, open more industrial parks

Binh Duong province is currently completely developing transport infrastructure connecting the region, expanding connection directions. Especially developing traffic connecting to seaports in the region and directions to international airports and international border gates (Moc Bai - Tay Ninh, Hoa Lu - Binh Phuoc).

Binh Duong province is continuing to open more industrial parks to attract foreign investment such as: VSIP III Industrial Park, Cay Truong Industrial Park and a number of industrial park clusters in Dau Tieng and Phu Giao districts.


Định hướng phát triển công nghiệp của Bình Dương tới 2050


Tỉnh Bình Dương đang tiếp tục xem ngành công nghiệp là động lực tăng trưởng chính.

Đầu tư 1.295 tỉ đồng tiêu thoát nước sân bay Long Thành


Tỉnh Đồng Nai đang lập hồ sơ đầu tư dự án tiêu thoát nước khu vực ngoài sân bay Long Thành với tổng mức đầu tư khoảng 1.295 tỉ đồng.

Bình Dương thu hút được 825 triệu USD vốn FDI


Trong 6 tháng đầu năm, tỉnh Bình Dương đã thu hút được 825 triệu USD vốn đầu tư nước ngoài (FDI).

Áp thấp mạnh lên thành bão, mưa lớn ở Bắc Bộ, Trung Bộ

Khương Duy |

Cục Quản lý đê điều và Phòng, chống thiên tai vừa phát đi tin áp thấp nhiệt đới gần Biển Đông và cảnh báo mưa lớn ở nhiều nơi.

Mệt mỏi vì bơm xong lại ngập trong biệt thự chục tỉ ở Hà Nội

Đền Phú - Vân Trường |

Hà Nội - Sau khi được bơm nước, dọn dẹp sau bão số 3, nhiều biệt thự tại KĐT Nam An Khánh lại ngập sau cơn mưa lớn.

Đại diện quán cơm bị tẩy chay ở Hạ Long xin lỗi khách hàng

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Thông tin từ UBND TP Hạ Long sáng 17.9, tại buổi làm việc giữa các bên hôm qua, đại diện quán Cơm sạch bà Liên đã lên tiếng xin lỗi khách hàng.

Kỳ thủ Lê Quang Liêm thắng đương kim vô địch thế giới

tam nguyên |

Chiến thắng của Lê Quang Liêm giúp tuyển Việt Nam hòa tuyển Trung Quốc tại Olympiad Cờ vua 2024.

Còn bao nhiêu hồ thủy điện mở cửa xả lũ?


Đến nay, các hồ thủy điện đang thực hiện xả điều tiết gồm Tuyên Quang (1 cửa), Thác Bà (2 cửa), Trung Sơn (3 cửa), Bản Vẽ (3 cửa).

Binh Duong's industrial development orientation to 2050


Binh Duong province continues to view industry as the main growth driver.

Investing 1,295 billion VND in drainage for Long Thanh airport


Dong Nai province is preparing investment documents for a drainage project in the area outside Long Thanh airport with a total investment of about 1,295 billion VND.

Binh Duong attracted 825 million USD of FDI capital


In the first 6 months of the year, Binh Duong province attracted 825 million USD in foreign investment (FDI).