Bank Interest Rate today 9/14: Continue to increase strongly

Hà Vy |

Bank Interest Rate today September 14: Continues to increase strongly. Summary of highest savings interest rates of Vietcombank, VietinBank, Agribank, BIDV...

Interest Rate of banks has been increasing continuously since the beginning of September. Accordingly, OCB increased the interest rate of mobilization terms by 0.1-0.2%/year, interest rate of terms from 1-8 months adjusted up by 0.2%/year; term of 9-11 months increased by 0.1%/year.

After adjustment, the online mobilization interest rate table for 1-month term is listed at 3.9%/year, 2-month term is 4%/year, 3-4 months is 4.1%/year, and 5-month term is 4.5%/year, 6-8 month term is listed at 5.1%/year, 9-11 month term is up to 5.1%/year.

Since the beginning of September, the market has recorded 8 banks increasing interest rates, namely NCB, Agribank, GPBank, VietBank, OceanBank and Dong A Bank, Bac A Bank and OCB. Of which, on September 13, NCB's interest rate reached a new peak for the 18-36 month term with a listed interest rate of up to 6.15%/year. In addition, Agribank and VietBank also increased quite strongly, with an increase of up to 0.3%/year.

Previously, in August, the market recorded 17 banks increasing savings interest rates, including: Eximbank, ACB, Agribank, Sacombank, Saigonbank, VietBank, TPBank, CBBank, VIB, Dong A Bank, VPBank, Techcombank, SHB, VietBank, PVCombank, Nam A Bank, HDBank.

Currently, PvcomBank's interest rate is at its highest level, up to 9.5% for a 12-month term, with conditions applied to a minimum deposit of VND 2,000 billion.

Next is HDBank with a fairly high interest rate, 8.1%/year for a 13-month term and 7.7% for a 12-month term, with a minimum balance of VND500 billion. This bank also applies a 6% interest rate for an 18-month term.

MSB also applies quite high interest rates with interest rates at bank counters up to 8%/year for 13-month term and 7% for 12-month term. The applicable conditions are that new savings books or savings books opened from January 1, 2018 automatically renew with a term of 12 months, 13 months and a deposit amount of 500 billion VND or more.

Dong A Bank has a deposit interest rate, term of 13 months or more, end-of-term interest with deposits of 200 billion VND or more, applying an interest rate of 7.5%/year.

NCB applies an interest rate of 6.15% for a 24-month term; Cake by VPBank applies an interest rate of 6.1% for a 12-month term; OceanBank applies an interest rate of 6.1% for a 24-month term. Bac A Bank applies an interest rate of 6.05% for a 24-month term.

BVBank and Cake by VPBank also apply 6% interest rate for 24-month and 12-month terms; VRB and Dong A Bank apply 6% interest rate for 24-month terms; SaigonBank applies 6% interest rate for 13, 18 and 24-month terms, and 6.1% for 36-month terms.

Statistics of banks with the highest savings interest rates today:

Top ngan hang co lai suat cao nhat thi truong hien nay. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Top banks with the highest interest rates on the market today. Graphics: Ha Vy

Compare highest bank interest rates for 3-month term

So sanh lai suat ngan hang cao nhat o ky han 3 thang. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Compare the highest bank interest rates for 3-month terms. Graphics: Ha Vy

Interest Rate for 6-month savings deposits at banks

So sanh lai suat ngan hang cao nhat o ky han 6 thang. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Compare the highest bank interest rates for 6-month terms. Graphics: Ha Vy

Want to save for 12 months, which bank has the highest interest rate?

So sanh lai suat ngan hang cao nhat o ky han 12 thang. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Compare the highest bank interest rates for 12-month terms. Graphics: Ha Vy

Latest update of Agribank interest rates, Sacombank interest rates, SCB interest rates, Vietcombank interest rates... highest for 24-month term.

So sanh lai suat ngan hang cao nhat o ky han 24 thang. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Compare the highest bank interest rates for 24-month terms. Graphics: Ha Vy

Interest rate information is for reference only and may change from time to time. Please contact the nearest bank transaction point or hotline for specific advice.

Readers can refer to more articles about interest rates HERE.

Hà Vy

Lãi suất ngân hàng hôm nay 13.9: Xuất hiện đỉnh mới

Hà Vy |

Lãi suất ngân hàng hôm nay 13.9: Lãi suất tiết kiệm xuất hiện đỉnh mới. Tổng hợp lãi suất tiết kiệm Vietcombank, VietinBank, Agribank, BIDV... cao nhất.

Lãi suất ngân hàng hôm nay 12.9: Tiếp tục tăng mạnh

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Người dân TPHCM bức xúc khi bị thu phí qua trạm BOT Phú Hữu

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Ngày 17.9, trạm BOT Phú Hữu (TP Thủ Đức) bắt đầu thu phí, nhiều hộ dân sống gần đó tỏ ra bức xúc, cho rằng việc thu phí khi qua trạm BOT chưa hợp lý.

Kiên quyết giải phóng mặt bằng thực hiện cao tốc Bắc - Nam


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Thủy điện Tuyên Quang đóng toàn bộ 8 cửa xả đáy

Việt Bắc |

Đến sáng 17.9, Thủy điện Tuyên Quang đã đóng cửa xả đáy cuối cùng sau khi phải mở toàn bộ 8 cửa xả trước mưa lũ lịch sử.

Đại diện quán cơm bị tẩy chay ở Hạ Long xin lỗi khách hàng

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Thông tin từ UBND TP Hạ Long sáng 17.9, tại buổi làm việc giữa các bên hôm qua, đại diện quán Cơm sạch bà Liên đã lên tiếng xin lỗi khách hàng.

Kỳ thủ Lê Quang Liêm thắng đương kim vô địch thế giới

tam nguyên |

Chiến thắng của Lê Quang Liêm giúp tuyển Việt Nam hòa tuyển Trung Quốc tại Olympiad Cờ vua 2024.

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