Flexible fiscal policy to stabilize the macroeconomy

Minh Ánh |

From 2021, one of the supports to help the economy recover and grow is the expansionary fiscal policy, accompanied by the efforts of the Ministry of Finance .

Drilling people's health

As manager of the Mega Market supermarket chain, Director of the Northern region, Mr. Nguyen Anh Phuong witnessed the clear benefits from the 2% value added tax (VAT) reduction policy.

When the Government agreed to extend this tax reduction policy until mid-2024, Mr. Phuong appeared very excited, because "when customers benefit, we also benefit" - Mr. Phuong said.

In fact, after the COVID-19 pandemic, people's purchasing power decreased, but Mr. Phuong personally noticed that purchasing power has gradually improved since the 2% VAT reduction policy.

Mega Market supermarket serves both professional customers such as hotels, restaurants, canteens and direct consumers, so with this support policy, "everyone benefits".

"Having the VAT reduction policy, supermarkets can also feel secure in maintaining the price level, helping to maintain stable service and especially retain customers" - Mr. Phuong said.

Looking back at the period from 2021 until now, the consistent ideology in applying fiscal policy of the Ministry of Finance has always been to be flexible and reasonably expand, to create favorable conditions for recovery and development of operations. production and business of the enterprise.

In a sharing with the Financial Times (the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Finance) in May 2024, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc said: "We think that tax support, nurturing revenue , improving people's health is very necessary, but at the same time focusing on perfecting legal policies, freeing resources, removing difficulties in capital, market, legal... for businesses to develop is extremely important and is a solid foundation for sustainable development".

Minister Ho Duc Phoc has directed the state budget revenue and expenditure tasks drastically. Review revenue sources, strive to increase revenue in conditional areas and fields (such as the e-commerce sector) to offset revenue reduction due to the implementation of tax exemption and reduction policies. Photo: HAI NGUYEN
Minister Ho Duc Phoc has directed the state budget revenue and expenditure tasks drastically. Photo: HAI NGUYEN

Accordingly, policies on tax exemption, reduction, extension, registration fee reduction, delayed payment of land rent, expanding budget deficit, and increasing social security support have been applied quite a lot to restore the economy . economy after the shock of the pandemic.

It can be said that fiscal policy has well fulfilled its role and mission as a macroeconomic adjustment tool for the State in the period of economic recovery and development after the pandemic.

Efforts of the Ministry of Finance

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, under the direction and management of the Government, the Ministry of Finance has issued and submitted to competent authorities for promulgation many important mechanisms and policies to implement fiscal policy to eliminate remove difficulties for businesses.

Results of implementing the expansionary fiscal policy through exemption, reduction, and extension of taxes, fees, charges, land rent, and land use fees to support people and businesses, with an amount of about 700,000 billion dong.

Not only reducing VAT, the Ministry of Finance has sent an official dispatch to report to the Prime Minister allowing the development of a decree to extend the deadline for paying VAT, corporate income tax (CIT), and personal income tax (PIT). and land rent in 2024; Decree to extend the deadline for payment of special consumption tax (SCT) for domestically produced or assembled cars according to shortened procedures and procedures, so that the policy can soon come to life.

The Ministry of Finance has issued many Circulars on estimating and operating the annual state budget for the period 2022 - 2024; Advise and propose financial and state budget tasks and solutions to complete tasks in the Government's Resolutions and the National Assembly's Resolutions.

Monitoring the implementation process shows that the Ministry of Finance has closely followed the situation, proactively monitored, compiled data, and reported to evaluate the implementation of state budget revenues and expenditures; Submit to competent authorities additional resources to implement salary reform according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee to implement salary reform from July 1, 2024; Promulgate solutions to practice savings, combat waste, cut regular and non-budget expenses to ensure balance of the state budget and devote more state budget resources to support people in difficulty.

Minister Ho Duc Phoc said, "More than half of the term has passed, the country has overcome many storms and challenges and is ready to enter a new stage of development".

The Ministry of Finance's efforts in advising, developing and implementing fiscal policy have been contributing to helping the economy overcome difficulties. Production and business activities and economic growth recovered well.

In 2021, although GDP is estimated to only increase by 2.58% over the same period last year, it cannot be denied that the cause is the serious effects of the COVID-19 epidemic, which is still gradually seeping into all areas of the economy. economy. In the context of closely preventing the epidemic while maintaining production and business activities, this result is considered a great success.

By 2022, we have achieved impressive results when after 36 years of innovation, the scale of Vietnam's GDP reached about 406.45 billion USD, an increase of about 50 times. In particular, in the period 1986 - 2022, Vietnam is in the top 5 countries with the largest economic growth in the world.

By 2023, our country's economy will continue to recover and grow, with GDP reaching 430 billion USD, growing at 5.05%, 1.5 times higher than the economy's growth rate of 2.9%. global.

In 2024, Vietnam has passed more than half of the journey in the context of the world economy gradually recovering but precariously, facing many risks and uncertainties. Vietnam's GDP growth reaches 6.42% (by the end of the second quarter of 2024) - this is quite a high growth rate.

Minh Ánh

Đề xuất thêm chính sách về miễn giảm, gia hạn các khoản thuế, phí

Tuệ Linh |

Để tiếp tục thực hiện hiệu quả công tác phục hồi và phát triển kinh tế, trong những tháng cuối năm 2024, đại biểu Quốc hội (ĐBQH) cho rằng, cần thực hiện nhiều chính sách, biện pháp linh hoạt.

Để kinh tế Việt Nam tiếp tục thăng hạng trên bản đồ thế giới

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Trong bối cảnh kinh tế toàn cầu đối mặt với nhiều biến động, Việt Nam đã nổi lên như một trong những nền kinh tế phát triển nhanh nhất, với nhiều chỉ số thăng hạng trên bản đồ kinh tế thế giới.

Chính sách hỗ trợ người dân, doanh nghiệp hiệu quả, đi vào cuộc sống

Minh Ánh - Bích Hà |

Ngành Tài chính đã tích cực đổi mới phương thức quản lý ngân sách nhà nước, đảm bảo thu - chi tiết kiệm, hiệu quả, chặt chẽ. Cân đối ngân sách đạt kết quả tích cực, nợ công được kiểm soát, góp phần quan trọng trong việc tiếp tục cải thiện mức xếp hạng tín nhiệm quốc gia của Việt Nam.

VĐV bóng chuyền Nguyễn Thị Xuân và sự bền bỉ ở tuổi U40


Góc nhìn thể thao số 181 có buổi trò chuyện với chủ công Nguyễn Thị Xuân về hành trình gắn bó với bóng chuyền cũng như dự định trong tương lai của tay đập 38 tuổi.

Ảnh hưởng thi công âu thuyền, nhà dân bị ngập sâu trong nước


Việc thi công công trình Âu thuyền Cái Khế đã khiến nhiều nhà dân tại TP Cần Thơ bị lún, nứt nghiêm trọng và ngập sâu trong nước.

Người dân ở Hoài Đức phải khám da liễu hàng tháng vì thiếu nước sạch


Suốt 6 năm qua, hàng tháng, vợ chồng anh Nguyễn Đình Minh (Hoài Đức, Hà Nội) đều đưa các con đi khám da liễu vì không có nước sạch sử dụng.

6 lần thu hồi đất bất thành của chính quyền TP Thái Nguyên

Lam Thanh |

Thái Nguyên - Dù các cơ quan chức năng có hàng loạt thông báo yêu cầu di dời tài sản, bàn giao lại đất nhưng Trung tâm Nông nghiệp công nghệ cao vẫn phớt lờ.

Tăng trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% giúp người lao động yên tâm


Tăng mức hưởng trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% lương bình quân là mong mỏi của rất nhiều người lao động.