The importance of database in auditing activities

Tùng Giang |

On the morning of September 10, the 8th Conference of the Big Data Working Group of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI WGBD) took place in Ninh Binh.

Database in auditing activities

The conference will take place from September 10 to September 12 with the theme: "Data governance - a new effective tool in auditing - from the perspective of data quality" - attracting delegates from 22 supreme audit institutions (SAIs) and 3 international organizations: the African Organization of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E), the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI IT) Information Technology (IT) Working Group.

Participating as an observer since 2020, by October 2023, the State Audit of Vietnam had become an official member of INTOSAI WGBD and had made positive contributions to the activities of the Working Group.

The State Audit of Vietnam - said that to meet the requirements of the new situation, this agency has built and issued fundamental mechanisms and policies, as a basis for implementing information technology activities; and built the database architecture of the State Audit of Vietnam.

The implementation of the project to build database architecture , develop synchronous information technology infrastructure, data center meeting technical standards, apply information technology to serve management and operation and support audit activities as well as ensure information security at each level is a breakthrough step of the State Audit of Vietnam, in line with the digital transformation process and initially forming a new audit field based on artificial intelligence with new audit methods, direct access to information technology systems and original data, organizing systematic and national comparison and inspection of big data.

6 tasks to activate data

At the conference, Mr. Ma Wenhui - Deputy Auditor General of China - said that new technologies with Big Data, Internet of Things, AI are flourishing and all countries in the world are using big data to modernize the social governance system, national governance and public audit is a very important component of national governance.

Mr. Ma Wenhui - Deputy Auditor General of the State Audit of China delivered the opening speech at the Conference. Photo: TG
Mr. Ma Wenhui - Deputy Auditor General of the State Audit of China delivered the opening speech at the Conference. Photo: TG

Therefore, SAIs are also facing more challenges when data is not standardized, and there is still room for technology application to do better.

Data governance is a complex, systemic task involving many parties. To enhance data governance, it is necessary to focus on developing and improving audit capacity and have the collaborative efforts of all parties to promote the implementation of 6 tasks to activate data including:

Building a data system and clearly defining responsibilities between data management agencies and auditing agencies; Improving data management, analysis and data standardization mechanisms; Improving the system to optimize data storage and algorithms; Improving the data licensing system to help auditors access more easily and effectively; Improving the efficiency of applying innovative mechanisms to facilitate data integration, coordination between on-site and remote audits; Ensuring compliance and data security through strengthening data security management systems.

Next, Mr. Bui Quoc Dung - Deputy State Auditor General affirmed that data is an asset of governance, a tool for us to work together to build policies that motivate accountability. The potential of big data comes with a series of challenges, the important thing is to exploit this data effectively. Therefore, during the 2 days of the Conference, we will exchange good practices and work together to solve the challenges we face, demonstrating our ambition to work together to shape public audit in the digital age.

Mr. Bui Quoc Dung - Deputy State Auditor General. Photo: TG
Mr. Bui Quoc Dung - Deputy State Auditor General. Photo: TG

Also at this Conference, delegates can exchange and learn experiences about the role of SAIs in promoting big data auditing to contribute to the success of the Conference and for the common development of INTOSAI WGBD.

Tùng Giang

Triển khai kiểm toán việc tổ chức lại đơn vị sự nghiệp công lập tại Bộ GDĐT

Linh Trang |

Kiểm toán nhà nước (KTNN) sẽ đánh giá việc quản lý, sử dụng tài chính công, tài sản công năm 2023; việc tuân thủ các quy định pháp luật trong triển khai thực hiện Nghị quyết 19-NQ/TW về thực hiện sắp xếp, tổ chức lại đơn vị sự nghiệp công lập tại Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo một số đơn vị trực thuộc Bộ.

Kiểm toán chuyên đề về việc quản lý và cho thuê đất công ích tại tỉnh Ninh Bình


Ninh Bình - Kiểm toán Nhà nước sẽ tiến hành kiểm toán đối với 2 chuyên đề về việc điều tiết, quản lý, sử dụng nguồn thu tiền sử dụng đất để đầu tư phát triển kinh tế - xã hội năm 2023 theo Nghị quyết của HĐND tỉnh Ninh Bình; việc quản lý và cho thuê đất công ích giai đoạn 2022 - 2023 tại tỉnh Ninh Bình.

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Duy Tuấn |

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Chậu hoa giấy trên phố đi bộ ở Đà Nẵng đồng loạt "nằm" tránh bão

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Implementing the audit of the reorganization of public service units at the Ministry of Education and Training

Linh Trang |

The State Audit Office (SA) will assess the management and use of public finance and public assets in 2023; compliance with legal regulations in the implementation of Resolution 19-NQ/TW on the arrangement and reorganization of public service units at the Ministry of Education and Training and a number of units under the Ministry.

Thematic audit on the management and leasing of public land in Ninh Binh province


Ninh Binh - The State Audit will conduct audits on 2 topics on regulation, management, and use of land use fee revenue to invest in socio-economic development in 2023 according to the Resolution of the People's Council Ninh Binh province; management and leasing of public land for the period 2022 - 2023 in Ninh Binh province.