Create a legal corridor to develop eco-industrial parks

Vũ Long |

Vietnam has focused on developing eco- industrial parks since 2014 and achieved some positive results.

Ms. Vuong Thi Minh Hieu - Deputy Director of Economic Zones Management Department (Ministry of Planning and Investment) shared:

With the support of many countries, Vietnam has piloted an ecological industrial model from 2014 until now. After 10 years of implementation, up to now, in addition to piloting, the eco -industrial park (IZ) model has also been replicated in a number of localities and achieved economic, social and environmental effects.

Ms. Vuong Thi Minh Hieu. Photo: Hieu Cong
Ms. Vuong Thi Minh Hieu. Photo: Hieu Cong

Vietnam has issued the first regulations on ecological industrial parks in Decree 82/2018/ND-CP regulating the management of industrial parks and economic zones (EZs). Next, regulations on eco-industrial parks continue to be completed in Decree 35/2022/ND-CP. In addition to inheriting the conditions and criteria of eco-industrial parks according to Decree 82, Decree 35 has clarified these conditions and criteria for each target group.

During the development process, eco-industry has also been very positively received by the business community in industrial zones, but there are still many difficulties that need to be resolved. What support actions has the Ministry of Planning and Investment taken to develop industrial parks?

- Currently, in addition to converting conventional industrial parks to ecology, many industrial infrastructure investors with new ideas are proposing industrial park infrastructure projects following a new ecological industrial model from the beginning, according to That is, building a sustainable development strategy right from the planning stage, preparing investment policy approval documents as well as orientation to attract secondary investors into the industrial park.

The advantage is that we already have 2 Decrees as mentioned above, but these are just legal documents. Currently, which localities actively orient, encourage and have mechanisms to support the development of industrial parks according to the model? new, that place has a lot of room for development.

Because the activities of an industrial park are being regulated by many different legal regulations such as: Regulations on investment and land; build; environment; fire prevention and fighting..., some of the difficulties that industrial parks converting to eco-industrial parks are facing are the reuse of wastewater waste to carry out industrial symbiosis activities as well as access to financial resources, credit, and incentives for this model. Eco-industrial park construction activities require large investment costs, therefore, there needs to be appropriate incentive policies for investors so that they are motivated to deploy the model in a sustainable manner.

In the short term, the Ministry of Planning and Investment is also coordinating with relevant ministries and branches in the process of reviewing legal regulations and providing specific comments on amending legal regulations. For example, amending legal regulations on the environment and amending legal regulations on water resources to ensure synchronization, helping to remove difficulties and obstacles in the process of implementing industrial symbiosis activities. ..

There is an opinion that Vietnam's eco-industrial parks are developing strongly but legal documents are not keeping up, ma'am?

- In the long term, the development of new industrial park models requires a higher legal framework than the Decree. In the process of perfecting institutions related to the management of industrial parks and economic zones, the Ministry of Planning and Investment is currently advising and submitting to the Government for consideration and approval of the proposal to develop a Law on industrial parks and economic zones, focusing on a number of points. main:

Create a unified legal corridor for the construction and operation of industrial parks and economic zones as well as ensure the institutionalization and implementation of the Party and State's guidelines and policies on sustainable industrial development . Regulate policies to specify contents related to the planning work of industrial parks and economic zones and synchronize this planning work with higher-level plans such as national regional planning, regional planning, and planning. conscious…; Policy mechanisms to encourage the development of new industrial zones, new economic zones...; policies to attract a number of professions with high scientific and technological content and new industries.

Regarding the eco-industrial park model, due to the preferential policy mechanisms being stipulated in the tax law, it is proposed to develop a Law to supplement a number of non-tax and financial policy mechanisms such as: Regulations The operating term of industrial park infrastructure investment projects is higher than that of conventional industrial park infrastructure projects, and preferential credit conditions are available to mobilize resources in implementing the ecological zone initiative.

An important content of the Law is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of industrial parks and economic zones according to the "one-stop shop, on-site" principle with a focus on building a state management agency for industrial parks and economic zones. Economic zones in localities - Industrial Park and Economic Zone Management Boards - are streamlined, competent and capable.

- Thank you!

Vũ Long

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