Fill the tank with gas
This is a mistake that some scooter users make. Filling the tank with gasoline will put pressure on the fuel tank, which in the long run can reduce the life of related components. Besides, filling the tank with gasoline can also easily cause a risk of fire or explosion, especially on hot days.
Overflowing the tank can also cause the vehicle to lose its aesthetic appeal. The reason is that the spilled gasoline will affect the paint or surface at the gas tank of the scooter.
Pump the wrong type of gasoline
Scooter users need to choose the right type of gasoline for their vehicle. Pumping the wrong type of gasoline will cause the vehicle to experience some problems such as sluggishness, overheating, and reduced engine life. Users need to carefully read the manufacturer's instructions to pump the right type of gasoline for their scooter.
Not paying attention to gasoline quality
Some users often have the habit of filling up at any gas station. This is not recommended because users may experience the situation of filling up with poor quality gas.
When a scooter is filled with poor quality gasoline, its performance and engine will be affected in the long run. Therefore, users should go to reputable gas stations of major brands to ensure safety.